Group of 7 diverse faces

Apply & Register

Orientation for New Students

If you are a new student at Foothill, you have three options for completing your orientation requirement to receive priority registration.

  • First you must apply for admission so that you have your student identification number, also known as your campuswide ID or CWID, to sign up for any of the options.
  • Before starting orientation, we recommend that you check your assessment placement results.
  • If you choose to take CNSL 5 or attend an in-person Enrollment Day workshop, you'll meet with a counselor to complete your education plan at that time. If you choose the online orientation option, you'lll need to make an appointment with a counselor after orientation to complete your education plan.

Options for Completing Orientation


Note: The annual Welcome New Student Orientation the week before fall quarter begins does NOT meet the orientation requirement for priority registration.


