Steps to Register for Classes
Auditing a Class
- To be eligible to audit a class, the student must have already taken and completed the class maximum number of times permitted, and received a grade of "C" of better at Foothill or De Anza College. (See College Catalog)
- All class audit requests must have the instructor's signature of approval before the request is submitted to Admissions and Records.
- Audit fee: $10 per unit. The first three units of audit fee are waived if the student is currently enrolled in six or more units.
- Approved audit requests will be accepted beginning the third week of the quarter (after the census date).
- Online and hybrid courses may take up to 48 hours for access.

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Admissions and Records
Student Services Building 8100, Room 8101
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Academic Dates & Deadlines
Spring recess runs through April 4.