Governance Structure 2009-10 to 2017-18
The previous governance structure dated back to 2009-10.
- There were four (4) mission-based workgroups with tri-chairs that served as representatives on the Planning and Resource Council (PaRC).
- The structure also included a Program Review Committee and an Operations and Planning Committee.
- Over the years, additional groups were created, such as the technology taskforce, the professional development committee, and the assessment taskforce.
Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) Archive Quick Links
Workgroups and Committees
You can view the old governance committee structure and archived websites active prior
to 2018-2019.
Planning & Resource Council (PaRC)
PaRC is responsible for discussing matters related to college planning and resource allocation and its impact on student learning.
PaRC membership includes:
PaRC Tri-Chairs — College President (non-voting), Academic Senate President & Classified Senate President
ASFC Representation — ASFC President, ASFC Student Trustee & (2) ASFC Members
Core Mission Workgroup Tri-Chairs — Basic Skills, Student Equity, Transfer and Workforce
Operations Planning Committee (OPC) Tri-Chairs
Ex-Officio (nonvoting) — President's Cabinet, Bargaining Unit Representatives, Executive Assistant to the President
Committee Alphabetical Listing
- 3SP Advisory Group
- Academic Senate
- Assessment Taskforce
- Associated Students of Foothill College (ASFC) Campus Council
- Basic Skills Workgroup (BSW)
- Buildings and Grounds Committee
- Classified Senate
- College Curriculum Committee (CCC)
- Integrated Planning & Budget (IP&B)
- Program Review Committee (PRC)
- Operations Planning Committee (OPC)
- Student Equity Workgroiup (SEW)
- Student Learning Outcomes Committee
- Student Success Collaborative
- Sustainability Committee
- Technology Committee
- Transfer Workgroup
- Workforce Workgroup (/workforce/workforce2017.php)
Core Mission Workgroups
- Basic Skills Workgroup (BSW)
- Student Equity Workgroiup (SEW)
- Transfer Workgroup
- Workforce Workgroup (/workforce/workforce2017.php)
Constituency Senates
Other Committee and Advisory Groups
- 3SP Advisory Group
- Assessment Taskforce
- Buildings and Grounds Committee College Curriculum Committee (CCC)
- Integrated Planning & Budget (IP&B)
- Operations Planning Committee (OPC)
- Program Review Committee (PRC)
- Student Learning Outcomes Committee
- Student Success Collaborative
- Sustainability Committee
- Technology Committee