Mission Informed Planning Council
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- Governance
- Mission Informed Planning Council
- Operating Procedures
Operating Procedures
- The Council will meet twice a month on Fridays from 1-3 p.m. through the end of spring quarter. Meetings will be suspended in summer. Frequency is 1st and 3rd Fridays beginning Fall 2022.
- Council meetings are open to all (entire college community)
- Meetings will be held on campus (Admin Conference Room), with a remote attendance option.
Agenda Prep
- Agendas will be prepared in advance of the meetings and posted on the College website (new MIP-C page to be created) at least 72 hours prior to each meeting.
- Agenda topics can be proposed by any member of the council, broader college community, and public (an online form will be available on the MIP-C website, with an automated response confirming their submission, and stating that the request will be reviewed with the timeline for review to anyone who requests an agenda topic, and requests populate an Excel spreadsheet that will be reviewed by the steering committee)
- A steering committee (College President, ASFC President, CS President, AS President)
will meet in a timely manner to:
- review the topics requested by the Council members/college community and
- determine which ones should come before the council or be referred to another group,
and make that referral if needed
- Agenda items will be limited to those that require decisions or guidance at the mission/strategic level, not the tactical level
- determine what date the MIP-C relevant topics will get on the MIP-C agenda
- communicate that determination (date of MIP-C hearing, or referral to another committee, or Other, to the requestor)
- determine which ones should come before the council or be referred to another group,
and make that referral if needed
- set the upcoming meeting agenda, ensuring all appropriate stakeholders per a given topic are invited to the meeting, and post it to the website
- invite appropriate college representatives to meetings requiring their expertise
- review the topics requested by the Council members/college community and
- Every agenda will include a short public comment opportunity for unagendized topics; time limits will be provided for public comment
- The MIP-C website will include dates, times and location of all upcoming MIP-C meetings, along with dates of when the steering committee will meet to set the agendas, and deadlines for requesting items to be considered for the agenda.
- Open hearings (for items not on the agenda) with appropriate time limit
- Agenda topics for information
- Agenda topics for discussion and action at meeting or when appropriate
- Other
- Upcoming meeting dates and agenda topics
Meeting Prep
- All members shall review the agenda and proactively seek out missing information or request clarification of confusing items in advance of the meeting
Discussion, Deliberation and Decision-Making
- The College President will serve as chair of the Council (responsible for ensuring the Council is functioning and works for its members and the community)
- The Steering Committee (including the college president), will rotate facilitation of the meetings (responsible for facilitating discussion, keeping time, watching and engaging online participants in Zoom)
- There will be a secretary or recorder for meeting notes (TBD—see above under Membership)
- Document topic, nature of discussion, action
- Full recording and/or notes will be made public
- Every member that is a part of the decision making has access to information, space, time that will help them contribute to the discussion
- All members will consciously and intentionally deliberate with focus on the following
college mission areas:
- Transfer (certificate/degree educational programs)
- CTE (certificate/degree workforce programs)
- Equity
- Empowerment (student activities, service leadership, etc.)
- Access
- Well-being
- Community at large (neighboring community)
- Members will practice active listening; the facilitator will implement a practice to check in with members who have not had an opportunity to contribute to the discussion
- Members will engage in active participation at each meeting, and uphold their commitments for action items and follow-up, including carrying out assigned tasks
- Anyone present is welcome to contribute/participate in discussion. However, at the discretion of the facilitator, discussion from the public may be limited to allow time for deliberation and decision-making of the council members
- To assure collegiality, the Council will operate with consensus-based decision-making and the facilitator will assure that silence is not interpreted as consent and will generate probing questions to check in with members to assure full participation
- Broad publication and dissemination of how to access the council agenda, to place items on the agenda, and how decisions will be made and who is affected and why
Reflection, Evaluation and Ongoing Improvement
- There will be periodic self-reflection built into the calendar of meetings, and opportunity for community input to assure the Council is operating as intended
- Guidelines will be developed and reviewed to assure openness about communication of decisions to the public

Please contact me!
Antoinette Chavez President's Office
Administration Building 1900