Academic Senate
October 28, 2024 Resolution on Preventing Mass Casualties through Improved Door Locks 2023-2024
February 24, 2025 Resolution in Solidarity of naming the Jean Thomas Center
November 20, 2023: COOL Resolution on Professional Development
June 3, 2024: Resolution for Conversations on Continuous Improvement of Teaching and Learning
Approved June 21, 2024: Constituional ammendment
Ratified June 21, 2024: Academic Senate By-Laws
August 15, 2022: Resolution on remote attendance
October 3, 2022: Resolution for Kathryn Mauer
October 17, 2022: Resolution encouraging faculty adoption of simple syllabus
March 13, 2023: Resolution on discontinuance of TracDat
June 5, 2023: CS Resolution of calendar conflict with Jewish holidays
- September 27, 2021: Resolution for a Sustainable and Equitable Funding Model for the At-Large Part-Time Faculty Representatives (Senators)
- October 11, 2021 (Reaffirmed June 6, 2022): Resolution Authorizing Remote Teleconference Meetings Pursuant to Brown Act Provisions Included In Assembly Bill (AB) 361 (Rivas)
- October 25, 2021: Resolution on Vote of No Confidence in President of Foothill College
- December 6, 2021: Resolution on Ensuring Inclusive Academic Senate Meetings and Events Post-COVID Emergency Orders Allowing for Remote Meeting Attendance
- January 10, 2022: Resolution on Curriculum Processes to Support Faculty Adoption of OER
- February 28, 2022: CCC Resolution to Approve Foothill College Meta Major Groupings and Names (endorsed by Exec)
- March 14, 2022: Resolution on Student Participation on Faculty Hiring Committees
- May 23, 2022: Resolution to Adopt the Online Equity Affirmation
- Februrary 8, 2021: Resolution in Support of Foothill College's Strategic Vision for Equity (a.k.a. Equity 2.0)
- February 22, 2021: Resolution Affirming Guided Pathways Efforts
- April 5, 2021: Resolution in Support of Classified Professionals' Engagement in Shared Governance
- May 24, 2021: Resolution on Supporting the Mental Health of Black Students
- June 7, 2021: Resolution on Institutional Support for Including OER as an Action to Mitigate Equity Gaps and Increase Student Success
- June 7, 2021: Resolution on Online Proctoring Software at Foothill College
- June 22, 2020: Faculty Anti-Racism Leadership at Foothill College
- June 22, 2020: Isaac Escoto Recognition Resolution
- Dec. 6, 2016: Resolution for Apprenticeship Curriculum Committee
- March 13, 2017: Resolution and Constitutional Amendment on Constitutional Preamble
- June 5, 2017: Resolution in Support of Apprenticeship Faculty Primacy in Determining Minimum Qualifications for Apprenticeship Disciplines
Approved Items
- April 8, 2023 : point of order in Academic Senate
- March 18, 2023:
- March 4, 2023: Resolution for adding by-laws to the constition was approved
- February 26, 2023: (joint meeting) approved addition of language to require training for faculty teaching online
- January 22, 2023: approved sending Equity-Minded Faculty Hiring Proactices document to all newly formed hiring committees
- December 4, 2023: approaved developing a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) program, and six $750 scholarships
- November 20, 2023: Senate reaffirmed the ISER, student conduct and griveance procedures, and COOL resolution for Professional Development.
- November 6, 2023: approved AP 4105 Distance Education and Correspondence Education
- June 5, 2023: approved program review cycle - approaved summer senate committee
- May 22, 2023: approved the guiding principles, approved the working definitions, approaved the distance education plan
- May 15, 2023: approve the definition for educational program, educational support program
- April 17, 2023: joint meeting, removed text language from proposed J1
- April 10, 2023: Senate elections, vote by acclimation, executive vice proesident
- March 20, 2023: have J1s sunset, remove text language from proposed J1
- March 13, 2023: discontinue TracDat
- February 6, 2023: approaved administrative procedures
- August 15, 2022: Approved the strategic vision for equity, vision for equity. Affirmation of resolution to continue to meet remotely.
- October 24, 2022: Equity 2.0 document approved
- November 7, 2022: program review template, approved six $500 scholarships
- November 21, 2022: approved program review template
- October 11, 2021: Academic Senate Meeting Norms
- October 11, 2021: Formation of a College Website Redesign Steering Committee
- October 11, 2021: Interim Process Faculty Prioritization Updates for 2021-22
- October 11, 2021: Fall 2021 Interim Governance Structure Proposal
- October 11, 2021: Rejoin the Shared Governance Task Force
- November 8, 2021: Academic Senate Priorities for 2021-22
- February 28, 2022: Distance Ed Policy & Planning Workgroup Charter
- April 11, 2022: Mission (I'm) Possible Council Proposal
- April 11, 2022: Ensuring Learning Coordinator Position
- April 11, 2022: Scheduling Task Force Spring 2022
- April 22, 2022: Foothill AS Letter in Support of the COLA
- June 6, 2022: Mission I'm Possible Council (MIP-C) Draft Charter
- October 12, 2020: Academic Senate Meeting Norms
- October 12, 2020: COVID Scheduling Taskforce Guiding Principles & Criteria
- October 12, 2020: Faculty Prioritization Interim Process
- December 11, 2020: Academic Senate Response to Student Letter
- January 11, 2021: Academic Senate Letter to President Nguyen in Response to Student Letter
- January 25, 2021: Academic Senate Constitution Workgroup Charter
- January 25, 2021: Academic Senate Program Discontinuance Workgroup Charter
- January 25, 2021: Academic Senate Action Plan in Response to Student Letter
- January 25, 2021: Foothill College's Strategic Vision for Equity
- March 15, 2021: Educational Technology Tools Adoption Rubric (from COOL)
- April 12, 2021: 2021 AS Letter to President Nguyen in Response to Collegiality in Action and Decision-Making Concerns
- June 7, 2021: AP 4222 Remedial Coursework

Please contact me!
Voltaire Villanueva, Ed.D.
Academic Senate President
Senate Office: Admin 1929
Senate MembershipSee membership contact list for 2022-2023 Acadmic Senate officers, division senators, and liaisons. |