Academic Senate
Member Roles and Meeting Norms
Faculty Co-Chair Role
The Faculty Co-chair is a member of the Academic Senate and receives .3 annual release time
- Liaison between COOL and the Academic Senate
- Set meeting agendas in consultation with the Academic Senate President and Online Learning Dean (Co-chair)
- Run effective COOL meetings that adhere to the meeting start/end times
- Develop relationships with department chairs
- Organize subcommittees created by COOL
Faculty Division Representative Role
Each division at Foothill College is entitled to two voting members of COOL. Faculty are appointed by their division, in consultation with the division dean.
Division COOL representation is a recognized service to the college and documented by the Academic Senate. COOL representatives are expected to participate in six 50 minute meetings per quarter, as well as participation in ad hoc committees, and in addition dedicate time as needed to solicit feedback from their division faculty.
- Share agenda items and discussions with their division faculty
- Actively solicit feedback from division faculty on COOL related issues and share the feedback with COOL
- Participate as needed in COOL subcommittees
Friends of COOL Role
COOL actively solicits a broad set of perspectives in our discussions. We recognize that online learning involves a variety of stakeholders and we invite all members of the college community to join our meetings and provide input. The Friends of COOL are administrators, FA representatives, students and faculty who participate as they can.
COOL Meeting Norms
- We will review agendas and agenda attachments prior to the meetings
- We will share meeting summaries and actively solicit division feedback within two business days of receiving meeting summaries
- We will make every effort to show up on time and keep our cameras on during the meeting to build a sense of engagement and community
- We will intentionally raise and discuss alternative narratives
- We will assume good intentions from our colleagues, but prioritize understanding and addressing impact
- We will strive to elevate all voices and prioritize those often unheard.
- We will value diverse experiences avoid assumptions and appreciate varied backgrounds.

Please contact me!
Voltaire Villanueva, Academic Senate President
Senate MembershipSee membership contact list for 2022-2023 Acadmic Senate officers, division senators, and liaisons. |