Academic Senate
All full-time and part-time faculty are members of the Academic Senate. Membership begins with employment as a full-time or part-time member of the faculty, and continues throughout employment.
The Senate Orientation PowerPoint provides an overview of the Foothill College Academic Senate.
Membership Dues
All full-time and part-time faculty are asked to contribute monthly membership dues ($5.00 for FT faculty and $3.00 for PT faculty) to help fund the work of the Academic Senate, which includes funding travel and registration expenses for the officers to attend statewide meetings. In addition, the Academic Senate offers annual scholarships to students and hosts a part-time faculty appreciation dinner when funding is sufficient to support these efforts.
Membership dues can be deducted monthly from your paycheck. To sign up for automatic payroll deductions please download and fill out form below, and return it to the Academic Senate Secretary/Treasurer, Robert Cormia (cormiarobert@fhda.edu). If you are not sure if you are currently paying dues, we encourage you to fill out and send in the form (this will not result in a duplication of dues).
Sign-Up Monthly Deduction Form
Membership Responsibilities
As members of the Academic Senate, all full-time and part-time faculty are expected to participate in the formation of college and district policies by supporting a strong and active Senate. You can do this by:
- supporting the officers and elected representatives of the organization through informed suggestions, recommendations, and feedback on issues under discussion;
- informed voting on all issues presented to the Academic Senate;
- volunteering to be an active member of at least one sub-committee of the Academic Senate and/or Senate rep on a governance council or committee; and
- paying all dues.
The Executive Committee (a.k.a. "The Senate")
The Foothill College Academic Senate acts through its Executive Committee, often referred to as “the Senate,” with elected faculty representatives from every instructional and student support division, as well as two part-time faculty representatives, representing all part-time faculty in every division. As of June 2021 the Executive Committee also includes a voting position for the ASFC President or delegate, the Classified Senate President or delegate, the Faculty Professional Development Coordinator and the Faculty Chair of the Committee on Online Learning (COOL), in addition to a non-voting Administrative Liaison position.
Division representatives are referred to as “Senators,” and generally hold two-year terms. The leadership of the Academic Senate and the Executive Committee consists of four officers: the President, the Executive Vice President, the Vice-President of Curriculum (who also serves as Faculty Co-Chair of the College Curriculum Committee) and a Secretary-Treasurer, all elected by the full membership of the Academic Senate to serve two-year terms.
The Role of a Senator
Your senator performs the following duties as a member of the Executive Committee:
- Votes on policies and procedures regarding academic and professional issues.
- Ratifies all faculty appointments to committees and task forces.
- Maintains constant oral and written communication with:
- the division
- the faculty at large
- adminsitrative staff, the Board of Trustees,
and the FA as requested by the President. - Brings division's concerns to Executive Committee,
- Attends regular Executive Committee meetings which are held every other Monday from 2 to 4 p.m.
- Provides an alternate with proxy vote if the senator can not attend.
- Serves on a minimum of one major committee.
- Serves for a term of two years.
Senate Officers 2024-25
Position | Officer | |
President | Voltaire Villanueva | VillanuevaVoltaire@fhda.edu |
Executive Vice President | Patrick Morriss | MorrissPatrick@fhda.edu |
VP Curriculum Faculty Co-Chair | Ben Kaupp | KauppBen@fhda.edu |
Secretary Treasurer | Robert Cormia | CormiaRobert@fhda.edu |
Division Senators 2023-24
Division | Representatives | |
Apprenticeship (APP) | Nate Vennarucci | Natev@smw104jatc.org |
Business & Social Sciences (BSS) (includes KCI) |
Julie Jenkins, Mona Rawal
Counseling (CNSL) (includes Student Affairs) | Fatima Jinnah, Tracee Cunningham |
cunninghamtracee@fhda.edu |
Disability Resource Center & Veterans Resource Center (DRC/VRC) | Ana Maravilla | MaravillaAna@fhda.edu |
Fine Arts & Communication (FA/COMM) |
Eric Kuehnl, Hilary Gomes |
KuehnlEric@fhda.edu GomesHilary@fhda.edu |
Health Science and Horticulture (HSH) |
Lydia Daniel, vacant |
vacant |
Kinesiology & Athletics (KA) |
Don Mac Neil, Katy Ripp |
Language Arts (LA) |
Hilda Fernandez, Ulysses Acevedo |
Learning Resource Center (LRC) |
Destiny Rivera, Eric Reed |
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) | Sara Cooper, Rachel Mudge |
At-Large PT Faculty Senators | Michael Chang, Lynette Vega | ChangMichael@fhda.edu VegaLynette@fhda.edu |
Additional Members of the Executive Committee 2023-24
Organization | Representative | |
ASFC | Paulo Verzosa | |
Classified Senate | Doreen Finkelstein | |
Faculty Association (FA) | Jordana Griffiths | |
Faculty Chair of COOL | Allison Lenkeit Meezan | MeezanKaren@fhda.edu |
Faculty Prof Dev Coordinator | Carolyn Holcroft | HolcroftCarolyn@fhda.edu |
Ensuring Learning Coordinator |
vacant, vacant |
Dean of Equity (advisory vote) | Ajani Byrd | ByrdAjani@fhda.edu |
Admin (advisory vote) | Stacy Gleixner | GleixnerStacy@fhda.edu |
Academic Senate Reps to Governance Councils & Committees 2023-24
Current Academic Senate Appointments (Updated October 23, 2023)

Please contact me!
Voltaire Villanueva, Ed.D.
Academic Senate President
Senate Office: Admin 1929
Senate MembershipSee membership contact list for 2022-2023 Acadmic Senate officers, division senators, and liaisons. |