GPA Calculator
Who Should Use the GPA Calculator
If you are a former Foothill student but not currently enrolled, use the GPA calculator on this page.
If you are a currently enrolled student at Foothill College, please use the DegreeWorks GPA calculator located on the Student Tab in MyPortal.
Grade Policy for COVID-19
Due to the disruption caused by COVID-19, the college adopted a temporary policy for grades earned in the Winter 2020, Spring 2020, Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 terms.
- A grade of F earned in these terms will not be counted in calculating earned units or Grade Point Averages.
- Grades of D+, D and D- earned in these terms will not be counted in calculating Grade Point Averages.
How to Calculate Your Grade Point Average (GPA)
Definition of Terms:- Credit Hours–The hours assigned to a course.This number is listed in both the schedule of classes and the catalog and is usually 1 to 5 hours.
- Grade Value–The numerical value assigned to a grade: A+ = 4 points, A = 4 points, A- = 3.7 points, B+ = 3.3 points, B = 3 points, B- = 2.7 points, C+ = 2.3 points, C = 2 points, *C- = 1.7, D+ = 1.3 points, D = 1 point, D- = .7 points and F = 0 points. *Note that Foothill does not give C- grades. .
- Grade Points–Number of credit hours for a course times the grade value.
- Attempted Hours–Credit hours for which you earn a grade (excluding Incompletes , P/NP, or Ws); note: WF is the same grade as an F and counts in attempted hours.
- Earned Hours–Credit hours that you passed (with a grade of D or higher).
- Redlining of Course–When a course in which you received a substandard grade is taken for a second time and indicated on your transcript. The first grade will then be excluded from your GPA.
- Repeat–When the course in which you received a substandard grade is repeated, beyond the redlining of a course limit, all non-redline attempts of the course are counted in the GPA regardless of the grade earned in the course.
Repeated Courses & GPA Calculation
- Subtract the number of hours you are repeating (see definition above) and from the total hours attempted for all quarters.
- Subtract the grade points (if any) for the courses you are repeating from the total number of grade points earned for all quarters.
- Divide the new total hours attempted by the new grade points earned for the corrected GPA.
Note: Only the first course attempt can be removed from your GPA, additional attempts
are called "repeats" and are averaged into your GPA.
Converting Semester Units to Quarter Units
- Multiply the total number of credit hours by 1.5.
- Multiply the total number of grade points by 1.5.
- Follow the above step-by-step directions.
Converting Quarter Units to Semester Units
- Multiply the total number of credit hours by .667.
- Multiply the total number of grade points by .667.
- Follow the above step-by-step directions.
Apply for Your Degree or CertifcateFollow Steps to Petition for Graduation To refer to your degree or certificate requirements by catalog year, view them here: |

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