group of graduates

Graduation Information

Frequently Asked Questions

We plan to have our 65th annual Commencement Ceremony in person and on campus in the Library Quad at 10 am on Friday, June 27, for the graduating class of 2025.


See our FAQs for how and when to order your regalia, how to petition to graduate, and how to register to participate in the ceremony. If you need clarification on any of it, do not hesitate to contact us. We cannot wait to celebrate you!

When and where is the commencement ceremony?

The ceremony is Friday, June 27, at 10am. in the Library Quad at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills. The quad is located in the center of the campus.

How can I make sure my name is printed in the commencement program?

Meet with your counselor and submit a Petition to Graduate Form by 3 p.m. on Friday, May 9 to have your name printed in the program. 

How do I order my regalia?

You may order it at the bookstore website beginning in May.

Deadline to order cap and gown: 

  • Order by 6/6 to receive by mail
  • Any orders received after 6/6 will need to be picked up on campus by 6/27

Graduaton accessories will be available for purchase at the on-campus Foothill Bookstore starting TBD.

RSVP for Commencement

The last day to RSVP for Commencement is June 2, 2025. If you miss the deadline please email our graduation team at

Link to register available on May 1st.

If I don't petition to graduate, can I still participate in the commencement ceremony?

Students who have only a few classes left to complete before their summer/fall degree is granted—and plan to petition to graduate then—can participate in the Commencement Ceremony scheduled for Friday, June 26, 2025 at 10am or the following year's ceremony.

May I bring guests to the in-person commencement ceremony? 

Yes! You may invite as many guests as you'd like to share your special day with you. There is no maximum number of guests but please note, seats are limited. Seating is on a first come first serve basis.

Honors Cords

Do you have a 3.5+ gpa? Then stop by the Foothill bookstore and show a copy of your unofficial transcript to receive your honor cord.

High Honors are awarded to those with a grade-point average of 3.5 or above in all community college work.


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Campus Center Building 2000 Room 2002
