Transfer Center
Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) for Fall 2025
What is a TAG?
A “Transfer Admission Guarantee” (TAG) allows you — as a California community college student — to earn guaranteed acceptance to a university, as long as you follow university-specific instructions, guidelines, and criteria.
Submit UC TAG: Sept. 1-Sept. 30
Are you interested in TAG admission to a UC campus?
UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
Six (6) University of California (UC) campuses offer guaranteed admission to students from all California community colleges. You can submit a TAG to only one.
Eligibility Criteria to Submit a TAG
Participating UC Campuses
Select a campus to review specific eligibility criteria and requirements.
- UC Davis (NO LONGER offers TAG for Computer Science for fall 2022)
- UC Irvine
- UC Merced
- UC Riverside
- UC Santa Barbara
- UC Santa Cruz (NO LONGER offers TAG for Computer Science for fall 2022)
NOTE: UC Berkeley, UCLA and UC San Diego DO NOT participate in the TAG program.
See a Counselor
A counselor can help you with the following TAG criteria:
- Creating a tailored education plan that meets your TAG and academic goals
- Verifying if you’re eligible to submit a TAG
- Reviewing your UC application and UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP)
- Reviewing TAG deadlines, instructions, rules, and other criteria
Guidelines and Resources for Submitting Your TAG
Other Guarantee Admission Options
California State University (CSU)
Complete an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) for guaranteed admission to a university in the CSU system.
Visit our ADT website for associate for transfer degree information and how to petition.
Private Colleges/Universities
- Arizona State University
- University of San Francisco
- Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU)
- Santa Clara University Transfer Admission Agreement
Santa Clara University Transfer Admission Agreement (SCU-TAA) instructions and eligibility criteria (info. subject to change):
Two new SCU-TAA's are now available: Business and Engineering (ALL courses listed for these two TAA's must be completed and not in-progress at the time of TAA submission).
ESLL 26 will not be accepted as one of the English classes for all SCU-TAA's
SCU-TAA (Business)
Even though it reads TWO accounting courses, it really means ACTG 1A, 1B, & 1C at
MATH 12 OR MATH 1A - Majors: Accounting, Accounting and Information Systems, Management, Marketing, Management Information Systems
MATH 1A/1AH and MATH 1B/1BH - Majors: Economics, Finance
1. Meet with a Foothill counselor before the March 15th (priority deadline) to complete
and submit an SCU-TAA if you're eligible. (COUNSELOR MUST complete/submit SCU-TAA
and ALL unofficial transcripts to FH Transfer Center Director)
2. Students must have the required GPA and completed course criteria listed on the
SCU-TAA at the time of submission.
3. Students major must be listed on the SCU-TAA.
4. Students must provide pdf copies of unofficial transcripts from ALL colleges attended, including Foothill and De Anza College.
Honors Institute Participants
If you participate in Foothill's Honors Institute, you may qualify for priority admission
and/or guarantee admission to the Honors Institute's Transfer Partners, which include UCLA, UCI, San Diego State, and other colleges/universities.
UC TAG for Fall 2025 Application Guideline
Please use the website for the most accessible version.
Download PDF version for reference Got UC TAG Questions? |

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Transfer Center
Student Services Building, 3rd Floor Room 8329
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