Online Degrees & Certificates
AA in English
Program Description
The major in English is excellent preparation for careers in law, teaching, advertising, journalism, communications and business administration. Most positions in modern institutions and industries require excellent skills in writing and reading. This major provides students with those skills along with a breadth of cultural and historical knowledge through the study of great literature.
Learn more about the program on the English website.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to compose a thesis-based essay that clearly communicates a logical, evidence-supported argument.
Students will demonstrate, in writing, comprehension and critical analysis of college-level texts.
Award Type(s)
AA = Associate in Arts Degree
Units Required
Major: 27-30
Online Courses for English
The courses listed BELOW are offered as online courses at least once every two years. Please see the Class Schedule for verification.
- For a complete listing of online courses offered during the current quarter, visit Online Course Information.
- If you need any additional degree information or confirmation, please contact the Counseling Division.
NOTE: Students having difficulty attaining an associate degree because of timing or availability of classes should consult with a counselor to submit a petition for course substitution.
Associate Degree Requirements
English Proficiency: Select one of the following | ||
ENGL 1A | Composition & Reading | 5 |
ENGL 1AH | Honors Composition & Reading | 5 |
ESLL 26 | Advanced Composition & Reading | 5 |
or equivalent | ||
Ethnic Studies |
Any course in the ETHN (Ethnic Studies) subject code, currently approved for Area F of CSU GE and Area 7 of IGETC | ||
Mathematics Proficiency | ||
College-level math course at or above the level of Intermediate Algebra |
A minimum of 90 units is required* to include:
Completion of one of the following general education patterns: Foothill General Education, CSU General Education Breadth Requirements or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)
Core courses (15-19 units)
Support courses (8-15 units)
*Additional elective course work may be necessary to meet the 90-unit minimum requirement for the associate degree.
Note: All courses pertaining to the major must be taken for a letter grade. In addition, a grade of "C" or better is required for all core and support courses used for the degree.
Core and Support Courses
Core Courses
Select ONE of the following Options (5-9 Units):
Option 1 | ||
ENGL 1B | Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking through Literature | 5 |
or ENGL 1BH | Honors Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking through Literature | 5 |
Option 2 | ||
ENGL 1C | Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking | 5 |
or ENGL 1CH | Honors Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking | 5 |
ENGL 16 | Introduction to Literature | 4 |
And, for either option, select any TWO courses from the following (10 Units):
ENGL 43A | Survey of British Literature I: Beowulf to the Late 18th Century | 5 |
or ENGL 43AH | Honors Survey of British Literature I: Beowulf to the Late 18th Century | 5 |
ENGL 43B | Survey of British Literature II: The Romantic Period to the Present | 5 |
or ENGL 43BH | Honors Survey of British Literature II: The Romantic Period to the Present | 5 |
ENGL 45A | Survey of American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865 | 5 |
or ENGL 45AH | Honors Survey of American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865 | 5 |
ENGL 45B | Survey of American Literature II: 1865 to the Present | 5 |
or ENGL 45BH | Honors Survey of American Literature II: 1865 to the Present | 5 |
Support Courses
For Option 1, select THREE courses (12-15 units) from the following, of which TWO must be Literature* courses (minimum of 12 units**): (12-15 Units)
For Option 2, select TWO courses (8-10 units) from the following, of which ONE course must be a Literature* course (minimum of 8 units**): (8-10 Units)
ENGL 1B *** | Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking through Literature | 5 |
or ENGL 1BH | Honors Composition, Critical Reading & Thinking through Literature | 5 |
ENGL 1C *** | Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking | 5 |
or ENGL 1CH | Honors Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking | 5 |
ENGL 50C | Technical Writing | 5 |
ENGL 80 | Introduction to Travel Writing | 4 |
CRWR 6 | Introduction to Creative Writing | 5 |
CRWR 25A | Poetry in Community | 5 |
CRWR 39A | Introduction to Short Fiction Writing | 5 |
CRWR 39B | Advanced Short Fiction Writing | 5 |
CRWR 41A | Poetry Writing | 5 |
CRWR 41B | Advanced Poetry Writing | 5 |
Literature Courses * |
ENGL 16 *** | Introduction to Literature | 4 |
ENGL 43A *** | Survey of British Literature I: Beowulf to the Late 18th Century | 5 |
or ENGL 43AH | Honors Survey of British Literature I: Beowulf to the Late 18th Century | 5 |
ENGL 43B *** | Survey of British Literature II: The Romantic Period to the Present | 5 |
or ENGL 43BH | Honors Survey of British Literature II: The Romantic Period to the Present | 5 |
ENGL 45A *** | Survey of American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865 | 5 |
or ENGL 45AH | Honors Survey of American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865 | 5 |
ENGL 45B *** | Survey of American Literature II: 1865 to the Present | 5 |
or ENGL 45BH | Honors Survey of American Literature II: 1865 to the Present | 5 |
ENGL 5 | Loud & Queer: Literature of Sexual/Gender Identity | 4 |
ENGL 7 | Native American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 8 | Children's Literature | 4 |
ENGL 10A | Literature & the Environment | 4 |
ENGL 11 | Introduction to Poetry | 4 |
or ENGL 11H | Honors Introduction to Poetry | 4 |
ENGL 12 | African American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 12A | All Power to the People: Literature of the Black Panther Party | 4 |
ENGL 14 | Traveling the World through Contemporary Literature | 4 |
ENGL 17 | Introduction to Shakespeare | 4 |
ENGL 18B | Gothic & Horror Literature | 4 |
ENGL 22 | Women Writers | 4 |
ENGL 24 | Unmasking Comics: The Dawn of the Graphic Novel | 4 |
ENGL 27G | Detective & Mystery Fiction | 4 |
ENGL 31 | Latino/a Literature | 4 |
ENGL 34C | Literature into Film | 4 |
ENGL 37 | Science Fiction Literature: Reimagineering Reality | 4 |
ENGL 38 | Literature of Protest | 4 |
ENGL 40 | Asian American Literature | 4 |
ENGL 49 | California Literature: Golden State, Geographies & Histories | 4 |
ENGL 70R ** | Independent Study in English | 1 |
ENGL 71R ** | Independent Study in English | 2 |
ENGL 72R ** | Independent Study in English | 3 |
ENGL 73R | Independent Study in English | 4 |
Total Units | 27-30 |
* The student has the option of taking all support courses from the Literature courses.
** If the student chooses to apply ENGL 70R, 71R or 72R to the support course requirement, additional coursework may be required to meet the minimum units for the support courses.
*** If not used to fulfill the core course requirement.
For a complete list of degree requirements, please visit English 2024-2025 Degree & Certificates.
Based on the 2024 - 2025 degree program.