President's Office
The last Mission Informed Planning Council was held last Friday.
March 20, 2024
(1) The last Mission Informed Planning Council was held last Friday.
To broadly share the outcome of our work, I offer the following summary of major agenda items:
- The Council continues to define and evaluate its charge, operations, and how other committees report to MIPC.
- Many tech-related committees have been evaluated for coherence in our governance structure.A reporting structure for these committees and their various responsibilities was presented and refined over several meetings. A proposal came to the body Friday and will come back to the first Spring meeting once supporting resources have been evaluated.
- A series of scenarios for MIPC agenda items was presented and imagined within the original concept of a mission-focused council. These scenarios aided our collective understanding of MIPC’s origin story and raised questions about how members function (as perspective-givers or representatives of constituents?).
- Information was shared about the growth of two Middle Colleges on campus and the dissemination of physical space to support the growth.
- The Accreditation Liaison Officer shared that the ACCJC peer review team solicited additional requests for evidence. The team requested the evidence before their convening yesterday, March 19th. Next, we will receive a Core Inquiry Report and begin preparation for a focused site visit in September.
- The next MIPC meeting will take place on April 19th.
(2) Women’s History Month Closing Ceremony.
I’ll join student leaders and their supporters at noon TODAY in the Dining Hall for the closing ceremony of Women’s History Month. At this event. I’ll conversationally share my leadership journey in a think piece entitled “Secret and Social Codes of Gender: Thoughts on Leadership.”
(3) Presidential Advisory on Social, Political, and Civic Engagement - 2nd convening.
The second convening of this advisory group will meet today at 2:30 pm in 1901 to evaluate goals and outcomes and work toward consensus on a set of campus events and activities that will support civil discourse during the tumult of war, culture wars, and an escalation of fear and feelings that may attend the next national election. Thanks to all contributors to the campus feedback form. If you would like to lend your perspective to the advisory, don't hesitate to contact Antoinette Chavez to be added to the Spring quarter invitations. I especially welcome classified professionals who are underrepresented on this advisory group.
(4) Service Clubs will return this Spring.
As I celebrate my first anniversary next week, I look forward to beginning my second year as President. My first-year listening sessions were organized around years of service. A recurring request during the Service Club Chats–do it again! I’m teaming up with the Foothill 2030 team this Spring to use our Service Club Chats for important employee feedback on the educational master plan. Stay tuned for your invitation to attend!
(5) Governor’s Budget.
On Sunday, I returned from the CEO Symposium of California Community College Chancellors and Presidents. The advocacy work around the Governor's budget and its impact on community colleges was fully displayed at the convening. Hopefully, the favorable budgeting for community colleges remains intact in the Governor's May budget revision. Even if community college advocates are successful in their efforts, it is important to note that we are one of a few community college Districts being “held harmless” with stability funds. And, while growing, we have not restored enrollment to pre-pandemic levels. Extra funds were set aside for growth, and those funds may continue next year. Foothill College also invested some of its reserves to seed the growth in our enrollment dashboards. However, the rapid expenditure of reserves will need moderation in the next fiscal year. I share this news to soften the ground on some difficult but strategic conversations that will be supported in the coming months. Chancellor Lambert and Vice-Chancellor Cheu plan to hold some Budget Town Halls this Spring. On the heels of those forums, we will host our own sessions to detail better what it all means for Foothill College.
Yours in Service,