Inter Club Council (ICC) and Clubs
ICC Meetings & Representatives
What is ICC?
Inter-Club Council (ICC) is Foothill College's student-run organization that oversees clubs and manages club funding & events.
ICC meets Tuesdays from 2:00-3:00 PM in the Toyon Room (2020, Campus Center, Upper Level). ICC Representatives are required to attend the weekly meeting in person (attending via Zoom will not count as being present, and the Rep will not be allowed to vote). Members of the public may attend in person or virtually.
What is an ICC Representative?
An ICC Rep. is an appointed club member who attends the weekly ICC meetings and manages paperwork and other ICC related business for the club. The ICC Rep. is responsible for activating/reactivating the club, along with presenting club fund requests and activity petitions to ICC meetings.
The ICC Rep. is the only position required for a club. The person holding this position acts as the club contact and is responsible for communicating information between ICC and the club members.
How to Join ICC
In order to join ICC and be a voting member, you must be appointed as an ICC Rep. from an activated club. If you would like to start a new club, refer to our guide on starting a club. If you are looking for an active club, check out the current club list.
If you would like to join the ICC Executive Board, contact asfc.joshc@gmail.com.
Agendas & Minutes
All Agenda items must be submitted to asfc.ninamh@gmail.com by 12:30 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. The upcoming agenda and previous weeks minutes are posted weekly on Thursdays by 2 p.m.
Meeting Agendas and Other Documents
Past years agendas and minutes can be viewed on the ICC Archives page.

Contact Me!
Joshua Chin, VP of ICC
Campus Center, Upper Level, Room 2011
Student Activities Office ContactVictoria StrelnikovaStudent Activities Coordinator and ICC Advisor
Office Hours