Academic Senate
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Meeting Information 2022-2023
Foothill Academic Senate Meeting Information
The Academic Senate typically meets twice a month on Mondays during the regular academic
year. Special meetings, including summer Senate Cabinet meetings, are called as needed.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
2:00–3:30 pm
Location 1943 (Administration)
Zoom Meeting Information
Meeting ID: 841 8041 2120
Passcode: 616378
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Summer 2022
8/15/22 | Agenda | Approved |
Resolution on Remote Attendance |
8/29/22 | Agenda | Approved |
Fall 2022
*Joint meeting with De Anza
Winter 2023
*Joint meeting with De Anza
Spring 2023
*Joint meeting with De Anza
Committee Reports 2022-2023
Reports from academic senate representatives to the various college and district committees, councils, study groups, task forces, work groups, etc. are compiled regularly throughout the year.
Past Years Meeting Information & Committee Reports

Please contact me!
Voltaire Villanueva, Ed.D.
Academic Senate President
Senate Office: Admin 1929
Senate MembershipSee membership contact list for 2022-2023 Acadmic Senate officers, division senators, and liaisons. |