President's Office
Popcorn and Peanuts.
February 28, 2024
(1) Popcorn and Peanuts.
Tomorrow, I’ll be throwing a party for students in the Campus Center Plaza to celebrate the start of baseball’s Spring Training. Please encourage students to drop by for popcorn, peanuts, and a chance to win Foothill and San Francisco Giant’s swag. The festivities include a chance to win two premium lower box tickets to a regular season Giant’s game. Rain or shine, bring all the students to the yard! The first pitch is at noon. The last bag of peanuts will be served at 1:15 pm if we don’t run out first.
(2) Vets Pasta Dinner.
This Friday evening, I’ll join an enormously generous group of people at the Los Altos American Legion Hall for a Pasta Dinner hosted by the Los Altos Rotary. This dinner fundraiser for Foothill College’s Veteran Center and Services includes support for scholarships, housing assistance, book vouchers, and mentoring. The Los Altos Rotary is committed to supporting student veterans by providing free lunches, volunteering time and talent, and marshaling energy and commitment toward improving campus spaces that serve students. If you are asking, “Am I invited?” Yes! Buy tickets today at this website.
(3) Grants Development Assistance.
Foothill College has partnered with Hanover Research to bear down on a strategic effort to land federal grant dollars for Foothill College programs and services. Over the next two years, teams at the college will work with Hanover to research and write proposals. The contract with Hanover was approved this month, and they are currently working on a prospecting report of grants aligned with the college’s profile. We will work on two large proposals each year to bring much-needed revenue to our innovative programs.
(4) No MIPC meeting this Friday.
Classified Professional Development Day is being hosted at Foothill College this Friday. So that all MIPC members can fully benefit, the Mission Informed Planning Council will not meet. The next MIPC meeting is March 15th at 1 pm, in 1901 or online.
(5) Congratulations to the Radiologic Technology Program!
This week, the program underwent a site visit as part of its regular accreditation cycle. The program’s high quality was recognized at the summation meeting yesterday afternoon. The summation ended with one peer team member recognizing the program’s reputation in the community. They said, “You are on a mountaintop, and no one else is close.” Congrats to Rachelle Campbell, Melissa Wu, Lisa Chesser-Neilsen, Manny Diaz-Alvares, and Dean Nancy Cheung. Counseling, admissions and records, workforce, instruction, marketing, outreach, and numerous other offices support the program. Thank you for your collective efforts.
Yours in service,