President's Office

Winter Weather, Town Hall, Open Forum and MIPC
January 31, 2024
(1) Winter Weather
As you undoubtedly have heard, we expect a winter storm to inundate our area over the next few days. Heavier rain and wind will arrive starting around noon today. At this time, we do not anticipate the same storm severity as last year, and we plan to continue with normal campus operations. Please be sure to pay attention to your email and text messages. In the event of a local electrical power failure or if roads are blocked/flooded, we'll be in touch to advise students and employees accordingly. As always, your supervisor should be the key resource for campus decisions to move instruction and services remotely.
(2) Town Hall
The Chancellor’s Town Hall roadshow comes to Foothill’s main campus today. I plan to don galoshes and be at Appreciation Hall at 4 p.m. to hear the Chancellor’s State of the District and goal-setting address. A virtual option will be hosted tomorrow, February 1st, at 9 a.m. Contact my office for information if you did not receive a calendar invitation with a webinar link.
(3) Open Forum with ACCJC Peer Review Team
Mark your calendar for the ACCJC Open Forum on March 13th at noon. This open forum is a warm invitation for the campus community to meet the Peer Review Team in advance of their deliberation of our Institutional Self Evaluation Report (ISER) on March 19th. The Peer Review team is chaired by the president of El Camino College, Dr. Brenda Thames. The Vice Chair is Dr. Ashanti Hands, president of San Diego Mesa College. The virtual forum is an opportunity to share information about our work or your experience as a Foothill College student and employee. Senior Leadership team members will meet separately with the Peer Review team.
(4) MIPC
The Mission Informed Planning Council meets this Friday from 1- 3 pm in room 1901 and online. The entire college is welcome to attend this open meeting. The agenda may be found here.
(5) MIPC: National Legislative Summit
Next week the President’s 12345 will be on hiatus as I attend the National Community College Legislative Summit in Washington D.C. with student leaders, Chancellor Lambert, and several trustees. The summit provides a mechanism for Community College leaders to advocate for federal legislation and funding impacting our system.
Yours in service,