President's Office
Happy Labor Day
August 28, 2023
(1) Happy Labor Day.
The summer 4-day-10-hour work schedule concluded on August 25th. A 5-day-8-hour work schedule resumes today. We will ease into the schedule by enjoying a long Labor Day weekend. With this announcement comes a deep appreciation for all the employees of this District who elevate the student experience while collaborating on the conditions that make Foothill-De Anza Community College District a great place to work. Each employee's contribution to the college is valued. On this Labor Day comes my renewed pledge to underscore each employee group’s contribution to the College and its success and to ensure that decision-making includes robust input from all.
(2) Women’s Equality Day.
Last week I joined Chancellor Lambert, Board President Patrick Ahrens, Trustee Laura Casas, Trustee Peter Landsberger, and other leaders in our community at the LinkedIn campus for a Women’s Equality Day celebration hosted by the Santa Clara Commission for the Status of Women. The keynote speaker was Malia Cohen, California State Controller. At the center of the discussion was the local passage of the principles contained in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), an international bill of rights for women. This local effort is needed because, as the Mountain View Voice noted, “the United Nations adopted CEDAW in 1979, the treaty was never ratified by the United States, one of seven countries, out of 193, not to do so.”
(3) More to ponder and more to do.
As I send this message, I am in the District of Columbia. Once my home, I am now dropping off my daughter for her sophomore year of college. This Saturday, Women’s Equality Day proper, was also the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, and the commemorative events were a declaration of resolve. Many noted that in 1963, only one woman had a place on the podium. On Saturday, Yolanda King, Martin Luther King’s granddaughter, was one of many woman-identified voices amplified. And, she said it well, “If I could speak to my grandfather today, I would say I’m sorry we still have to be here to rededicate ourselves to finishing your work and ultimately realizing your dream. Today, racism is still with us. Poverty is still with us. And now, gun violence has come for places of worship, our schools and our shopping centers.”
(4) Chancellor Lambert’s Foothill Welcome!
Please join us this Wednesday, August 30th, at 4:00 p.m. in the Foothill Dining Hall. We will have refreshments and appetizers. Warm remarks will be provided by campus and community leaders. Chancellor Lambert will share his perspective on his first few weeks at FHDA and the road ahead.
(5) Athletics are in full swing.
Both the men’s and women’s soccer teams won their season opener! Reminder: Join me on September 2nd for the Owl Foothill evening football game against West Hills Coalinga.
Yours in service,