Honors Institute
Bay Honors Research Symposium
The Honors Research Symposium gives students the opportunity to participate in scholarly research in a variety of disciplines, with the goal of presenting their findings in a variety of formats.
This year the symposium will be held in April, 26th at UC Berkeley. FIve proposals from Foothill College were selected in 2025, out of 16 applications. Congratulations to the presenting groups. We will be preparing presentations in April.
Foothill 2025!
Presentors include:
Luise | Haller | FireFlight: ML-Driven Aerial Sensing for Wildfire Prediction and Smart Evacuation in Los Altos Hills |
Tristan | Hui | Law, Language, and Legitimacy: An analysis of judicial activism and linguistic complexity on the United States Supreme Court |
Jocelyn | Ma | Aspirin’s Gut Reaction: A Study into Aspirin’s Effect on the Human Gut Microbiome |
Aditi | Nanda | Looking Through Pottery: A Historical Glance at Classical Grecian Women |
Lan | Nguyen | We Are Not the Same: The Concept of Humanity in Herman Melville’s “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street” and the Occupy Wall Street movement |
Foothill Presenters who were at 2023 Symposium
- “Adaptive 3D Model Generator Using Object Photos” by Nimita Mishra, Foothill College (Mentor: Konstantin Kalaitzidis)
- “Honest Studying Solutions with ChatGPT and Augmented Reality Technologies” by Dennis Ren and Kevin Shiah, Foothill College (Mentor: Abeer Alameer)
- “TikTok Memory Challenge: Exploring the Impact of TikTok on Memory Retention” by Yash Shahani, Foothill College (Mentor: Eta Lin)
- “Confronting Anthropology’s Dark Past: Native American Osteo-Reparation in Bay Area Higher Education Institutions” by Alekos Kapur and Saintra Thai, Foothill College (Mentor: Samuel Connell)
Foothill Presenters who were at 2019 Symposium
A Rose By Any Other Name: Neo-Colonial Flower Plantations in the Shadow of the Spanish
Hacienda |
Anti-immigration Sentimnts: To what extent does social environment form an ideal environment
for groupthink toward immigrants? |
ASMR Videos: A YouTube Fad? Exploring the Relationship between ASMR, relaxation, and
brain behavior |
Blackbird: A Low-Cost, High-performance Bipedal Robot |
CBD Efficacy on Canine Epilepsy and Anxiety |
Climatocide in the Anthropocene: The Heuristics of Our Planetary Self-Immolation Presented by: Helton Suzuki Mentor: Scott Lankford & Brian Evans |
Do I Belong Here |
I'm So Stressed Out |
Improving CPR through enhanced training: a multidisciplinary approach to understanding
and improving oxygenation during CPR training |
Liquid Utopia: Kim Stanley Robinson, Marx, and Life after Climate Change |
Morality 2.0: How Science Can Prompt Us to Reconsider our Moral Values |
Predicting Individual Substance Abuse Treatment Outcomes to Determine Auxiliary Support
Needs: A Computational Approach |
The Peripheral of Foreign Diplomacy: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back in Azerbaijan’s
Turbulent History Under Russian Dominance |

We're here to support you!
Honors Institute
Bldg 1900, Office 1961
Honors Counseling with Tracee CunninghamSPRING 2025 DROP-IN HOURS April 7 to June 26MEET IN PERSONBldg 1900, Office 1961 Mondays: 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Wednesdays: 9:30–11 a.m. MEET VIRTUALLYTuesdays: 2–4 p.m. Thursdays: Noon–1 p.m. CONTACT US BY EMAILQuestions? Email us at honors@fhda.edu and we'll respond right away! |