Foothill College Early College Promise
Program Overview
Early College Promise (FCECP) is an exciting opportunity for low-income, minority, first-generation and other underrepresented youth at Mountain View, Los Altos, Alta Vista and Palo Alto High Schools. Get a jump start on your college career.
- 9th through 12th grade students -- take courses for college credit that may also qualify for dual credit at your high school.
- Attend courses for free, pay no fees, receive required textbooks at no cost and you're eligible for transportation passes.
- We're on a quarter system so courses are only 12 weeks (6 weeks in the summer).
- Lots of our courses transfer to UC and CSU.
In order for our students to really succeed in college, we have to be with them before they go to college, in high school.
Our FCECP program is a partnership between Foothill College and Mountain View-Los Altos High School District and Palo Alto High School.
The partnership is committed to supporting the educational goals of high school students through early exposure to the college experience, while completing transferrable college credits prior to graduating high school.
Studies have shown that high school students who participate in dual enrollment programs do better and graduate more frequently at 4-year colleges than their counterparts.
Read the Los Altos Town Crier story about the program.
To support the educational goals of high school students through early exposure to college programming and transferable college credits prior to high school graduation.
Support and ensure all students are college ready by high school graduation. Contribute to a student's academic hope and confidence in that they are prepared for college and embrace it as their only option for their future.
Interested students must complete the following:
- Talk to your high school counselor about what courses you should take that align with your educational goals.
- Complete the online Foothill College application for admission.
- Complete the Special Admit & High School Dual Enrollment form.
- Prior to taking any English or Math courses, you must make an appointment to take any assessment tests.
- Attach your unofficial high school transcripts to your Special Admit & High School Dual Enrollment form.
- Submit your unofficial high school transcripts and Special Admit & High School Dual Enrollment form in-person to our Admissions & Records Office, located in Room 8101 or via fax to 650.949.7048 or e-mail to FCECP@foothill.edu. Allow up to 48 hours for processing of documents.
- Register for courses online or in person.

Need help in Spanish?
Contact Magali Molina Ochoa