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Professional Development

Professional Growth Award (PGA)

Classified Staff

The Classified Staff Professional Growth Award (PGA) is an award for classified staff that recognizes and rewards efforts toward life-long learning and improved service to the district.

It requires the accumulation of 200 hours of professional growth activities for each award, and it carries with it a monthly addition to your paycheck for the rest of your career with the district! Currently, each PGA is worth $90 per month.

Whether you attend these Professional Development workshops or are a presenter, your hours participating count towards your professional growth activities.

Additional Information and Details

Submit your completed application to any member of the PGA committee:


Full-time Faculty

Article 38 of the Faculty Agreement describes how Foothill faculty members can earn credit to meet their professional growth needs. There are three primary mechanisms:

  • 38.4.2 Participation in or attendance at conferences, workshops, or non-credit courses approved by the Division Dean or appropriate administrator. Eighteen hours of this type of activity shall equal one quarter unit (i.e. 1 PGA unit). Document these activities using Appendix O2.
  • 38.4.3 Professional activities and projects approved by the Division Dean or appropriate administrator as having direct relevance to the faculty member's assignment. Faculty are advised to consult with the Dean or appropriate administrator prior to commencing these activities. Document these activities using Appendix O3.
  • Submit your completed and signed forms to Nancy Cortes at


More forms may be found on the district's "Forms and Calendars" page.

Part-time Faculty

Part-time faculty can use PGA for Column (Bracket) Advancement.

For details, see Appendix C of the Faculty Agreement.


Detailed information about Faculty Professional Growth Activities (PGA) can be found in Article 38 of the Agreement between FHDACCD & FHDA Faculty Association.

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Peter Chow
Program Coordinator, Office of Equity

Professional Development

(650) 949-7208
