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Professional Development

Image of "Equity" on a chalkboard with academic materials surrounding it


Equity Development Series

We’re excited to be launching an Equity Development Series, a series of workshops aimed at building our understanding around issues that surround the concepts of educational equity.

The importance of understanding diversity, equity, and inclusion is a critical part of the work of educating our students at Foothill. We believe that equity work is reflected in all aspects of the campus and are affected by all members of the campus community. Through engaging with this series, we aim to build on the skills that we have, the experiences we have gone through, and the everyday work that we do.

Designed to fit in a workday, all sessions will be scheduled from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm and offered in hybrid modality, with both in-person and online options. Please consider joining us during your lunch break if you are interested in any or all of the offered topics.


Attendance at each session is eligible for PGA credit
for Foothill faculty and staff.


Please register for sessions through the Vision Resource Center. If you need any help, please feel free to email

Sessions for Spring 2025:

All sessions are scheduled from 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm.
All sessions are Hybrid: Attend in-person at the Altos Room or on Zoom in the links provided.


Thursday, April 24

Let’s explore the idea of microaggressions. Let’s dive into the various types of microaggressions and the ways in which we experience them. How can we recognize them and, most importantly, what can we do to counter them?

Register here!

Rest is Resistence: Equity and Self-Care

Thursday, May 15

Do you often find yourselves burned out or feeling exhausted or overburdened by an unjust world? Let's talk about rest and how it's a critical part of equity work. We often neglect our own self-care when we're dealing with issues of educational equity. Let's explore that.

Register here!

Everyday Equity: Infusing Equity into our Everyday Actions

Thursday, June 12

Let's talk about how we take these large structural concepts of inequality and notice them in our day-to-day interactions. Let's also explore how we infuse equity into our daily interactions at work, at home, and other areas of our lives.

Register here!



bamboo and oak leaf

Peter Chow
Program Coordinator, Office of Equity

Professional Development

(650) 949-7208
