Owls Nest
Housing Insecurity Resources
How We Can Help
The purpose of the Housing Insecurity Resources webpage is to provide the most up-to-date county and community housing resources available to assist Foothill College students who are facing homelessness or who are housing insecure.
Please Note: Foothill does not provide student housing nor do we act as a liaison to local apartment housing.
Are You a Military Veteran?
If you are a Foothill College student Military Veteran, contact our Veterans Resource Center to learn about the Foothill College Veterans Housing Assistance Fund
More Referrals & Partners to Come
We are currently building our housing referrals and partnership list.
If you know of organizations within your community that may help to house college students or programs you have benefitted from, please contact Sonia Sanchez Santoyo at, sanchezsantoyosonia@fhda.edu.
Have you applied for Financial Aid?
Students who meet Federal and State eligibility criteria, are eligible to apply for Financial Aid.
Housing is an expense consideration when Financial Aid is awarded.
For more information, contact the Foothill College Financial Aid Office
Support Resources for Undocumented Students
For off-campus services, select a link.
- Guide for Immigrant Californians
- National Center for Youth Law
- Immigrants Rising
- Download Immigrants Rising Resource flyer
Self-Refer with Our Partners
We encourage you to connect with these established partners.
The Bill Wilson Center
The Bill Wilson Center will assist students who are homeless or at risk of being homeless with immediate rental support.
Local & Private Rental Opportunities
All private rental opportunities are solicited by current Foothill or local students and property owners who live in the surrounding area who have notified Foothill College of available rooms or house sharing opportunities.
International Student Resources
Like most community colleges, Foothill does not have housing on campus; however, the International Programs Office offers resources and assistance to help our international students find comfortable housing options.
More Santa Clara County and Community Resources

We're Here to Help!
Owls Nest
Basic Needs Center
Building 2100, Room 2152