Prospective International Students
Like most community colleges, Foothill does not have housing on campus; however, the International Programs Office offers resources and assistance to help you find comfortable housing options.
The most popular options are:
- Homestay program (live with an American family. You can prearrange homestay options before you arrive in the U.S.)
- Private apartment complexes (live on your own or share with roommates)
The area surrounding Foothill College, including the cities of Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara and San Jose, is consistently ranked as the amongst the safest in the United States.
Silicon Valley, with its high standard of living, safe neighborhoods, fun activities, and excellent transportation network, offers an ideal location for students to live and study.
International students are not limited to the homestay option and you are welcome to explore the other types of housing.
However, we strongly recommend that you consider living in a homestay for at least the first 3 months if you have never lived abroad or in the U.S.
Online Admissions Inquiry Form

We're Here to Help!
International Student Programs Office
Administration Building 1900 Room 1933
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