Native American Heritage Month 2017
View most current Heritage Month events.
Foothill is celebrating Native American Heritage Month with speakers, film screenings and live music. See below for event details.
Native American Two-Spirit Identity
Monday, Nov. 6 • 3:20-4:20 p.m. • Room 3206
Join Foothill Psychological Services Counselor Clifton der Bing and the Foothill College Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) for a discussion of the traditional Native American non-gender-binary “Two Spirit” identity.
Standing Rock Update
Tuesday, Nov. 7 • 12-2 p.m. • Hearthside Lounge (Room 2313)
Ayse Gursoz, journalist from the Mending News, as well as a Foothill College alumni, will be providing the latest update regarding the arrests at Standing Rock Souix Reservation, DAPL Pipeline, and more!
Guest Speaker: Rochelle Driver, Activist
Tuesday, Nov. 14 • 11-11:50 a.m. • Hearthside Lounge (Room 2313)
In celebration of International Education Week, attend a lecture by International Indian Treaty Council member and Indigenous Rights activist Rochelle Diver and hear an update on the Standing Rock water pipeline actions and on-going efforts to combat climate change.
Film Screening: Dakota 38
Wednesday, Nov. 15 • 8-10 a.m. • Hearthside Lounge (Room 2313)
This documentary follows modern native riders on a 330-mile healing journey across South Dakota to Minnesota to honor those lost in the largest mass execution in United States history in 1862.
Student Speaker: Lydia Tomeo
Wednesday, Nov. 16 • 2-3 p.m. • Room 6506
Join Washington-State Colville Tribal Member and current Foothill College student Lydia Tomeo for a discussion about her tribal history and heritage.
Guest Speaker: Anne Marie Sayers
Wednesday, Nov. 22 • 12-1 p.m. • Hearthside Lounge (Room 2313)
Anne Marie Sayers is a respected Ohlone Clan Mother. She'll speak about her land title of Ohlone Land in Indian Canyon where she conducts cultural native presentations such as Story-Tellers, native arts and crafts, cultural dances, and her museum of Native American artifacts and history.
Guest Speaker: Greg Sarris, Author and Activist
Tuesday, Nov. 28 • 12-1:30 p.m. • Hearthside Lounge (Room 2313)
Award-winning Native American scholar, author, and entrepreneur Greg Sarris will read from his new book, How a Mountain Was Made.
College Hour: Closing Ceremony
Wednesday, Nov. 29 • 12-1 p.m. • Campus Center Dining Room
Featuring live entertainment by Medicine Road Band, the nation’s number one folk rock band, according to numberonemusic.com. By using the Native American flute and incorporating Native American philosophy into their music, Medicine Road Band hopes their music provides healing through lyrics and song. Complimentary refreshments will be served on a first-come, first-served basis.