Foothill College Selected to Pilot Online Course Exchange
Foothill College has been selected for participation in the California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative Course Exchange. The Course Exchange, facilitated by the Online Education Initiative (OEI), allows students at participating colleges to take certain online classes offered at Foothill.
Additionally, students in the Course Exchange will have access to online services such as counseling, tutoring, proctored testing, and readiness assessments. The Course Exchange targets students who are close to completing their degree and transfer requirements, but are unable to enroll in the required courses at their home colleges.
"Foothill College welcomes the opportunity to make its online courses and services readily available to students from other college who might otherwise be delayed in their educational pursuits," said Judy Baker, Dean of Online Learning at Foothill College.
Beginning in the fall quarter, Foothill will offer two sociology classes on the Course Exchange: Intro to Sociology and Research Methods and Designs. Fall classes start Sept. 25. Foothill’s Course Exchange classes will be open to students from Butte, Fresno, Lake Tahoe, Coastline and Ventura community colleges. Foothill students will be able to register for approximately 20 classes offered by the other five colleges in the Course Exchange. Eventually, the program will expand to include other California Community Colleges.
“I’m excited about Foothill College going live with the Course Exchange, and their participation so far has helped streamline the process for the additional 16 colleges we are working to add in the coming months,” said Jory Hadsell, Executive Director for OEI. “Through the Course Exchange, California is beginning to provide students with a new opportunity to accelerate program completion through increased access to high- quality online courses.”
OEI is a collaborative effort among California Community Colleges (CCCs) to increase student access to and success in online courses. OEI is sponsored by the Foothill-De Anza Community College District, in partnership with the Butte-Glenn Community College District and its CCC Technology Center at Butte College as recipients of a $86.9 million five-year grant disbursed by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO). In spring 2016, 24 pilot colleges were selected to utilize all OEI resources. The colleges use Canvas, a common course management system, and pilot readiness assessment, online tutoring, academic integrity tools, online counseling, and other resources.
For more information, visit http://ccconlineed.org.