EMT Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where are the EMT classes held?
At the Foothill College Sunnyvale Center, 1070 Innovation Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089.
Visit the Sunnyvale Center website for more information.
Q: Is there any "hands-on" training in the program?
In addition to the lectures and hands-on skills labs, there is a required internship in the final quarter of the program! You will be working one shift in an ER, and one shift on a 911 ambulance. Note that this is NOT just observation - you will be performing actual EMT-level work during your shifts.
Q: Can I skip a quarter?
No. You must take the 2-class series in successive quarters. This way, you keep your skills/knowledge progressing over 6 months and have a much better chance of passing the NREMT national test.
Q: Do you have a Summer-only program?
Currently, we do not. We have one session in the Winter and Spring quarters and another in the Summer and Fall quarters.
Q: When are EMT classes held?
EMT and EMR classes are held in the evening on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please go to foothill.edu/schedule for quarterly class information. Search for EMR and EMT classes using EMS dept code.
Q: Do I need to file a special application for the program?
No. You only need to apply with the regular college application, meet the prerequisite requirements and register at the appropriate time as listed in the schedule of classes and on this web site.
I'm a current EMT and need to re-certify. Do you offer recert classes?
Yes! Most quarters, Foothill offers EMS 203, Basic Continuing Education courses. You will need to complete the general Foothill College application to obtain your CollegeWide ID number if you don't have one already. All EMS 203 students are required to attend the first scheduled class, but the amount of class hours/days you need to attend after that will vary depending on how long your license has expired. The instructor will discuss this in greater detail with you the first day of class.
If your license has expired more than 2 years, you are not eligible to take EMS 203 and must re-take an entire EMT program.
Q: What is the difference between an EMT and a Paramedic?
A paramedic is licensed to perform more advanced duties than an EMT. Students are required to become EMT-certified before qualifying for paramedic school. For more information about Foothill's Paramedic program, click here
Q: I see on the online schedule that there are some noncredit classes (EMS 400, EMS 401, and EMS 402). What are these classes and what are the benefits/drawbacks of taking the credit -vs- noncredit class sequence?
The noncredit classes (EMS 400, EMS 401 and EMS 402) covers the exact same material as the credit classes (EMS 50, EMS 52, EMS 53 ). The benefit of taking the noncredit class sequence is that you don't pay the per-unit fees, thus saving you money. However, noncredit classes are non-transcriptable, so these classes won't appear on any official transcripts you may order, nor are any grades officially given. Furthermore, you aren't allowed to switch from noncredit to credit, or credit to noncredit.
For more specific fee information, click here: Enrollment Fee/Basic Fee,

We're Here to Help!
Health Sciences and Horticulture Career Support
Building 5200
Glenn Kurisu, BS EMS Program Director 408.745.8055 kurisuglenn@fhda.edu |
Nancy Cheung, MPA, Division Dean cheungnancy@fhda.edu |
Health Science & Horticulture Division |