Respiratory Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I need to submit my high school transcripts?
Yes, but only if they contain documentation of prerequisite course work.
Q. How do I apply?
The online application is available from October to April. A Foothill Student ID is required to login to My Portal to apply. Students are admitted once a year only, beginning in fall quarter. Annual selections are made by July 15 each year, and applicants are notified by email of acceptance or non-acceptance at that time.
Prior to the deadline, complete an online application, and submit official college e-transcripts for each college attended to:
Foothill College Admissions and Records
12345 El Monte Road
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022-4599
Q. Do graduates get jobs?
Yes. Our local hospitals typically hire our graduates. Currently the job market is once again wide open, so it’s a great time to get started on your career in Respiratory Therapy.
Q. What is the starting pay?
Typical starting salaries for 2023 averaged $40 — $60/hour. In addition, hospitals provide great benefit packages.
Q. How many applicants do we get?
Each year is different, with typically about 150 applications.
Q. Do I need to complete the general education courses before applying to the program?
We recommend you complete some or all of the courses, but you can apply to the program without having done these courses. If you’re accepted in the program you’ll need to complete the general education courses before you can graduate.
Q. I took Chemistry fifteen years ago in high school. Should I take a college Chemistry course to brush up my Chemistry Skills?
No. We would rather you concentrate on the general education courses and other science courses (Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, Psychology). One of the first courses in the program is Respiratory Therapy Sciences. We’ll help you review what you may have forgotten.
Q. Do I need to complete the General Education courses if I have a bachelors degree?
No, if you have a degree from a U.S. accredited college or university.
Q. How can I find out exactly what a Respiratory Therapist does?
Enroll in RSPT 200L which is offered in the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters. This
class is self-paced online asynchronous course.
Q. Can I work while taking the Respiratory Therapy Program?
Yes, but we recommend working as little as possible. The classes take a lot of study time.
Q. Do you have an evening program?
No, not at this time.
Q. Can I go part time through the program?
You can take the prerequisites, general education courses and science (A&P, Micro, Psychology) courses prior to starting the Respiratory Therapy courses. Once enrolled in the Respiratory Therapy Program, you will need to take the Respiratory classes in the recommended sequence.
Q. Who can I call if I have questions?
The health career program coordinator at 650.949.7643 ; or email healthcareerprograms@fhda.edu.

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Health Sciences and Horticulture Career Support
Building 5200