Interventional Pulmonology Assistant
Certificate of Achievement Courses
The Interventional Pulmonology Assistant certificate program is eight (8) courses long and will take approximately one year to complete. Two classes are offered each quarter in sequence. See the schedule of classes for current course offerings.
Course Descriptions
RSPT 82 Orientation to Interventional Pulmonology
Orientation and overview of Interventional Pulmonology as a respiratory care specialty. Intended for students enrolled in the Interventional Pulmonology Certificate Program. 2 Units
RSPT 83 Case Based Analysis and Critical Thinking in Diagnostic Interventional Pulmonology
Case based reasoning and critical thinking in the field of Interventional Pulmonology. Content will include critical diagnostic thinking, evidence-based medicine and quantitative studies in respiratory care. This course is intended for students enrolled in the Interventional Pulmonology Certificate program. 2 Units
RSPT 84 Fundamentals of Pulmonary Disease
Review of pulmonary anatomy and physiology. Fundamentals of pulmonary diseases and pathology including cancer staging. This course is intended for students enrolled in the Interventional pulmonology certificate program. 3 Units
RSPT 85 Interventional Pulmonolgy Theory and Application
This course provides the general principles of Interventional Pulmonology. Disease specific application including diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, techniques and procedures will be introduced. This course is intended for students enrolled in the Interventional Pulmonology Certificate Program. 3 Units
RSPT 86 Interventional Pulmonology Procedures
RSPT 87A Interventional Pulmonology Clinical Internship I
RSPT 87B Interventional Pulmonology Clinical Internship II
RSPT 88 Interventional Pulmonology Research Project

Please contact me!
Brenda Hanning, RRT, RCP
Director, Respiratory Therapy Program