The Online Learning office supports you through a variety of resources. We have Zoom drop-in hours every day and hold weekly workshops. We'll also meet with you one-on-one to help you develop your online Canvas course.
Regular Substantive Interaction (RSI) is an essential element of online teaching and learning that fosters meaningful interaction
between students and instructors. Foothill College has a professional learning requirement
to support RSI. All faculty who teach online are required to complete this 2-part
process before they teach online courses.
Drop-in Hours
Our team is providing remote drop-in hours over Zoom, where you can meet with a member of our Online Learning team to get your questions answered. New and seasoned Canvas users are welcome! You can find it under the Faculty section in the navigation on the left:
Online Training and Support
Join a Zoom workshop with your colleagues and the Online Learning team to share ideas on engaging, effective practices in teaching our students. Learn how to make your course more equitable, get some Canvas tips, learn about new tools, and bring your own topic (BYOT)!
Request One-on-One Support
If you'd like some one-on-one support with our staff, please visit our Drop-in Hours page and make an appointment with one of us.
Online Faculty Handbook
When your Canvas account was created, you were enrolled in the Online Faculty Handbook. It is a guide housed in a Canvas site, where you will find relevant, timely resources that you will need for creating and running your Canvas course. Make sure to visit it often, as it is frequently updated!
Online Teaching with Canvas
Foothill uses Canvas as the learning management system to deliver online/virtual courses to students. Before you can teach an online or hybrid course, you must be enrolled in Online Teaching with Canvas course.
Contact your dean for more information.