Fine Arts & Communication
Student Awards & Recognition 2024
An Annual Tradition
For more than thirty years, with generous support from Bruce Swenson, former president of the FHDA Board of Trustees, the Fine Arts and Communication Awards have brought together students, faculty, staff, and administrators from the division’s programs to celebrate our shared creativity, courage, and commitment as a learning community.
Instead of being based solely on grades or tests, these awards celebrate the words, wisdom, and actions of students — all of whom have overcome enormous obstacles to achieve success in college and have reached out to assist and inspire others to succeed and thrive as well. The students recognized on this page received this award because their professors carefully selected them for praise and acknowledgment.
Introducing Our 2024 Student Awards
It is the privilege of the Fine Arts & Communication Division to honor the following
students listed below. We invite you to view our slide presentation from our June 21, 2024 ceremony recognizing these students. Each student receiving an award should feel tremendously proud. The department faculty members are truly inspired by each and every one of the students selected. |
Student Recognition by Department
Fine Arts & Communication Special Division Awards and Scholarships
Thanks to the generosity of donors who are committed to honoring our students, we are proud to announce recipients of the following special scholarships.
Scholarship Criteria: Recipients were nominated by the faculty in the division and selected by a committee of division representatives.
Past Award Celebrations

We're Here to Help!
Sheherazade Arasnia, Fine Arts & Communication Division
Bldg. 1700, Room 1701