Facilities & Rentals
Fine Arts Rental Information
Theatre and Fine Arts Classroom Rentals
Fine Arts Facilities, including the Smithwick Theatre, Lohman Theatre, and Appreciation Hall are available first as classroom spaces, followed by use for other campus events.
- If space is available on evenings and weekends, outside groups may rent facilities on a first come/ first serve basis.
- The facilities become available for rent to the public each March, for the following
academic year (September-June).
To rent Fine Arts performing spaces or classrooms, please first contact the Facility Rentals Coordinator, at fhfacilityrentals@fhda.edu to check availabilty of your desired date(s) and submit a FINE ARTS Theater Inquiry Form
- Inquiries/Applications will not be accepted less than 8 weeks before your desired rental date.
- If we can host your event, we will send you the link to complete an application.
- A non-refundable $500 deposit is required to hold your date.
- General Fine Arts rental policies and procedures can be found in the Fine Arts Facility Rentals Packet.
- By completing an application and signing the contract, renters agree to abide by all policies and procedures listed in the rental packet.
- A certificate of insurance issued to the Foothill-De Anza Community College District is required for all facility rentals. The coverage must be for a minimum of $1,000,000.00 general liability.
- The certificate of insurance must be received by the Fine Arts Facilities office at least 30 days prior to the scheduled event.
Please note that parking regulations are enforced seven days a week. $3 daily permits
are required every day.
For more information about one of our Fine Arts rental spaces, click on a link below.
- Smithwick Theatre (Closed April 1st- Oct 31st 2024) - seats 941
- Appreciation Hall - seats 168
- Lohman Theatre - seats 140, two (2) week minimum
- Fine Arts Classrooms - seats between 30 and 70

We're Here to Help!
Theatre Arts Facilities Rental
Ron Herman, Division Dean Email: hermanron@fhda.edu |
Fine Arts & Communication Division |