Placement for Freshman Composition
If you are ready to take your first English course at Foothill, make sure to contact the Testing & Assessment Center for your placement based on your high school transcript or other methods. Depending on your placement, you may register for one of the following transfer-level options.
Steps for Registering
Check your placement results in MyPortal
- LOG IN to MyPortal
- SELECT Apps from menu
- Under Students, SELECT Student Registration App
- Under My Records, SELECT View My Placement Results
- See Your Course Placement
- If you have questions about your placement results after checking in MyPortal, please contact the Testing & Assessment Center.
Review schedule of classes to select a class section that matches your placement option.
All first-year composition class sections are listed in the schedule of classes.
If you are placed in ENGL 1A or 1AH with NO corequisite requirement, you only required to register for one section number.
Example: F001A Section 21W
If you are placed in ENGL 1A + NCEN 401A, select an ENGL 1A section ending with C and note the matching CRNs. You will need them to register for both classes together.
(Example: ENGL F001A 1CW requires enrollment in NCEN F401A 1CV)
If you experience any problems while registering in MyPortal, please fill out the A&R Help Form.
Before you start, remember to have your chosen class section 5-digit CRNs (course registration numbers) handy.
- LOG IN to MyPortal
- SELECT Apps from menu
- Under Students, SELECT Student Registration App
- Under Registration Tools, SELECT Add or Drop Classes
- SELECT Foothill Term and SELECT Submit
- ADD the CRN(s) under Add Classes Worksheet (if you are taking 1A or 1AH, you only need to enter one CRN; if you are taking 1A + 401 or 1S + 442, you will enter two CRNs)
- SELECT Submit Changes. The classes will be added to your Current Schedule.
- If you experience any problems while registering in MyPortal, please fill out the A&R Help Form.

Please Contact Me!
Amber La Piana and Ben Armerding, English Department Co-Chairs