Attendance Requirements
Guidelines for Succeeding in Your Classes
Online Classes
- Students in online classes are required to actively attend their courses each week or they will be dropped for non-attendance as per State law and Federal Financial Aid regulations.
- Online classes are not self-paced, such as correspondence courses, but require weekly assignments and participation in order for students to document their attendance.
Please be aware of the following when taking an online course:
- Simply logging into the course does not qualify as attendance in an online class.
- Students must pay close attention to the course syllabus, log into the course frequently to read announcements and view the course modules and content, and submit required assignments on time to maintain their attendance in online classes.
- Students who are dropped after the course census date are not eligible for a refund and will receive a W.
Consequences of Non-Attendance
When you register for a college class, you are making a commitment to attend class and be present for lectures and instructional activities and making a personal investment in your future.
- Regular and consistent attendance in class is critical to your success and is proven through research to contribute to higher grades.
- If you are experiencing issues that prevent you from attending class, you should consider your decision to attend college and or reprioritize your time so you can attend class.
- Meeting with a Foothill counselor is important if you are unsure about your ability to attend class.
- It is critical to take classes at a time when you can be successful. Missing class will cause your grade to suffer and may lead to being dropped for non-attendance.
- Students should not expect their instructors to extend deadlines, offer alternative assignments and extra credit for failing to turn in assignments and or missing exams due to non-attendance.
- Remember, your college transcript is a permanent record that will follow you to future jobs, graduate school and other situations. You want to choose the right time to attend classes that will allow you to be successful and dedicate the time you need to study and perform at a high level.
Non-Attendance Due To Medical Reasons
If you experience a medical issue that prevents you from attending class, you (or a family member or friend) must notify your instructor immediately. Depending upon the duration of the medical issue and when it occurs during the quarter, there are different options that must be explored to address the time missed in class.
- If you have completed 75% of a class and cannot finish due to medical issues, you can request an incomplete contract with your instructor to complete the work after the quarter has ended.
- If you have NOT completed 75% of the class but cannot finish the quarter, a medical withdrawal can be requested through the Dean of Admissions and Records. IMPORTANT: You must withdrawal from all classes if you pursue a medical withdrawal.
- If you stop attending class due to medical issues and fail to notify your instructor, you will either be dropped for non-attendance or receive your earned grade at the conclusion of the quarter.

We're Here to Help!
Alex Collins, Business & Social Sciences Division
Bldg. 3000, Office 3007