Winter 2020
Update #2: President's Message About the Coronavirus
March 6
Our college is following the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Santa Clara County Public Health Department protocols. We have seen a slight increase in the cases of novel coronavirus in Santa Clara County. Despite that, the current risk levels are low and there is no direction from public health officials to close campus. Foothill College anticipates being open for the foreseeable future, but you will be alerted via text and email messages should there be any changes.
The college has procured more hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Face masks will only be distributed from the Health Center to students who are presenting flu-like symptoms (fever, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath). If you do feel unwell, please stay home and contact your doctor immediately. If you have had close contact with a laboratory -confirmed COVID-19 patient within 14 days of symptoms onset, or a history of travel from affected from affected geographic areas, please do not come to the campus clinic. Instead, go directly to your local hospital for COVID-19 testing.
Otherwise, if you have a cough, fever, and shortness of breath, but have not had any contact with a COVID-19 patient or have traveled, please come to the Health Clinic to be further evaluated. Please call the Health Center (650.949.7243).
Foothill College is invested in your health and safety. Please follow the basic guidelines on our posters and this website.
- No handshaking! (use the 'elbow bump' as a greeting)
- Wash your hands with soap on a regular basis. Use hand sanitizer too.
- Do not touch your face (eyes, nose, mouth) with your hands
- Wipe down frequently used surfaces on a regular basis
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue (or your elbow)
- A mask will not necessarily protect you from the virus. They should only be worn by people who are presenting COVID-19 or other flu symptoms
The virus is spread in large droplets by coughing or sneezing, so sneeze and cough into a tissue and the drop it in the trash and sanitize your hands. If droplets land on surfaces, they can be transmitted to the mouth by your hands, so, again, don't touch your face and keep your hands clean.
Foothill College is here to support you. We want you to successfully complete your classes and be safe and healthy too. If we all work together, take sensible precautions, and also act responsibly (don't come to class if you are sick!), we'll get through this.
We'll be in touch in on a regular basis to provide further updates.
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Building 1900, Room 1944