Pass the Torch
Study Teams
Students are matched into one-on-one study teams. One student is the Leader (Tutor) and the other is the Member (Tutee).
- The two-person team is matched by the Pass the Torch staff according to their time availability.
- The team meets for the entire quarter and works together in the specific subject in which the Member is enrolled.
All students who participate in the program are expected to work hard and
- be responsible
- have integrity
- meet deadlines
To become a team Leader, you must have completed one of the Pass the Torch core courses at Foothill and meet the following requirements:
- Have earned an A grade in core Math, English and/or ESLL courses and have received a referral from your instructor(s) from your Pass The Torch core class(es)
- Enroll in and attend the mandatory weekly one-unit Tutor Training class
- English/ESLL classes are LA 61A for new Leaders and LA 61B for continuing second-time Leaders
- Math classes are PSE 61A for new Leaders and PSE 61B for continuing second-time Leaders
- Note: Week 1 classes meet on a different schedule
Benefits of being a Leader include:
- New Leaders receive a Mentoring Scholarship for their first quarter in Pass the Torch and in subsequent quarters are paid as student employees
- Course specific training by a Foothill College Math/English Instructor
- Satisfaction of helping a fellow student achieve success in a class at which you excel
- An additional item to include on your transfer and job application
To become a team Member, you must meet the following requirements:
- Be enrolled in a Foothill College Math, English and/or ESLL class listed as a Pass the Torch core course
- Have a two-hour time commitment per week
- Note: once selected to participate in the program, your academic progress is monitored to help you succeed
Benefits of Being in a Pass the Torch Study Team
- One-on-one peer support from a student who has earned an "A" grade in a similar class and has been highly referred by his/her instructor.
- Participation in a program with a caring environment
- Enjoy the challenge of being in a Study Team where you are expected to achieve good grades
Questions & Answers
Q. When does matching start?
Matching of study teams begins the second week of the quarter and continues until the 6th week
Q. How much does the one-unit course cost if I am a Leader?
California residents pay $31 per unit to the registrar for PSE 61A/B and LA 61A/B. Out-of-state and foreign students pay $205 per unit. Fees are subject to change.
Q. How do I enroll in the PSE 61A/B or LA 61A/B courses?
Add Codes will be provided by the Tutor Training Instructors. Add codes are only valid for the first two weeks of the quarter.
Q. How will I get paid if I am a Leader?
First quarter Leaders will receive a Pass the Torch Peer Mentoring Scholarship in the amount of $225.00 at the end of the quarter.
Second quarter Leaders who join the program will need to become Foothill College District Funded Student Employees and meet the requirement first to be employed. Student Employees are paid monthly for the hours worked at the rate of $21.62 per hour.
For more information visit Foothill’s Student Employment page.
To Join a Study TeamPlease complete the following: MEMBERS: Complete the Enrollment Form and Member Agreement. LEADERS: Complete the Enrollment Form and Leader Agreement. |

Please Contact Us!
Pass the Torch Program
3600 Building, Office 3609
Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (On Campus), 11 a.m.–5 p.m. (Online) |
Friday: 11 a.m.–4 p.m. (Online only) |
Closed: Holidays, Recesses & Summer |