Pass the Torch
Frequently Asked Questions
Read the information on this page to learn about the requirements and responsibilities for students who participate in the Foothill College Pass the Torch Program as a Leader (Tutor) or Member (Tutee)
- The Leader (Tutor) is a student who has completed one of the Pass the Torch's core courses at Foothill College with an "A" grade and has been referred by his/her instructor.
- The Member (Tutee) is the student who is currently enrolled in a Pass The Torch core class at Foothill College
All students who participate in the program are expected to work hard and
- be responsible
- have integrity
- meet deadlines
- plan accordingly
Once selected to participate in the program, your academic progress is monitored to help you succeed.

Please Contact Us!
Pass the Torch Program
3600 Building, Office 3609
Monday–Thursday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. (On Campus), 11 a.m.–5 p.m. (Online) |
Friday: 11 a.m.–4 p.m. (Online only) |
Closed: Holidays, Recesses & Summer |