Class Schedule
Searchable Class Schedule
1 class scheduled
5 units
UC Transferable to UC CSU Transferable to CSU
- Description: Techniques and practice of expository and argumentative writing based on critical reading and thinking about texts. Reading focused primarily on works of non-fiction prose, chosen to represent a broad spectrum of opinions and ideas, writing styles, and cultural experiences. Fulfills the Foothill College reading and composition requirement for the AA/AS degree and the university-transfer general education requirement in English reading and written composition.
- Prerequisite: Demonstrated proficiency in English by placement via multiple measures OR through an equivalent placement process OR completion of ESLL 125 & ESLL 249.
- Corequisite: For students who do not meet the prerequisite requirement, concurrent enrollment in ENGL 246A or ESLL 201A or NCEN 401A is required, depending on placement by multiple measures.
- Advisory: Advisory: Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1AH; students may enroll in ENGL 1A or 1T, but not both, for credit.
- Repeatability: Not Repeatable.
- Hours: 5 hours lecture per week. 60 hours total per quarter.
- Foothill GE Area:English
- Transferability: Both
- Transfer GE: Information regarding how this course is applied toward CSU GE/Breadth or IGETC certification is available at:
- Foothill Transfer GE Guide
Department Note:
Section: ENGL-001A-33V
Course Number (CRN): 20371
Dates: 9/25/2023 - 12/15/2023
Day & Time
Textbook(s): < $50< $50 indicates course/section uses materials that cost less than $50.Check Bookstore
Footnote: n/a