Facility Rentals
Booking a Venue
General Facility Rental
To rent the Athletics Facilities, Classrooms, Conference Rooms, Outdoor Space and all other rentals, please choose the General Facility Rental Application form. Please allow at least four (4) weeks for the facilities office to process your general rental request. If you have questions regarding general facility rentals, please contact us at 650.949.7057 or by email at: fhfacilityrentals@fhda.edu
Timeline for submitting applications (The earliest you may submit applications for future dates):
August 1 for dates requested in October, November, and December
November 1 for dates requested in January, February, and March
February 1 for dates requested in April, May, and June
May 1 for dates requested in July, August, and September
Fine Arts Facility Rental
To rent the Smithwick Theatre, Lohman Theatre, Appreciation Hall, Fine Arts Classrooms,
or any other Fine Arts Facility, please fill out the Fine Arts Theater Inquiry form first. Please allow at least eight (8) weeks for the facilities office to process your request for the Smithwick or Lohman Theatres. If you have questions regarding rentals of a fine arts facility, please contact us
at 650.949.7057 or by email at fhfacilityrentals@fhda.edu