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Dr. O. Oli Mohammadi, Ph.D.

Communication Studies Instructor

Fine Arts and Communication Division

Communication Studies



Foothill campus
Office Hours:
T/Thr, 6:00 am-9:00 am or by appointment



The most important principle in my classroom is doing. I enjoy giving students as much ownership and responsibility for the class as possible while maintaining boundaries and guidelines for doing things. I believe the more decisions they can make about what they want to learn or read and how they want to be evaluated, the more invested they will be in the process and the more empowered they will be as learners and thinkers.



Fall 2022

-Interpersonal Communication
-Honors Public Speaking


Course information:

Interpersonal: Experience in interpersonal communication, including discussion, the perception process, critical thinking and reasoning, verbal and nonverbal modes of communication, intercultural communication, and the effect of communication on individuals and society. Faculty and peer feedback on critically evaluated exercises.

Honors Public Speaking: ntroduction to the analysis of the history of rhetoric and public address; application of public address principles to prepare and deliver public speeches in front of a live audience. Particular attention is paid to development of oral communication and listening skills. The honors section provides accelerated students with additional academic challenge in the areas of research, discussion, and intellectual exploration of ideas. Expanded opportunities include, but are not limited to, in-depth examination of speech text within historical context, self-reflection speeches and papers, creative individual and group projects, historical oral interpretation, and enrichment activities.



My passions include travel, performance art, and culture. I spent some time backpacking across Western and Eastern Europe, Central America, the Caribbean and portions of Northern Africa and the Middle East. But hands down one of my favorite travel experiences was when I took a year off college and hostel-hopped the United States.



I grew up overlooking Lake Anderson in Morgan Hill, CA, a small town about 8 miles east of Santa Cruz. Being so close to the Sierra's and the Pacific I sent a great deal of time outdoors. In fact, being outside is still one of my absolute favorite places in the world!

I had the fortunate enough to combine and focus on travel into my academic career. For my doctoral research, I traveled to Iran and lived in several regions of the country interviewing women. I went from the small lime huts of Kandovan to the metropolis of Tehran and a few places in between.

For college, I attended the University of California Berkeley, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, San Francisco State University, and Louisiana State University Baton Rouge. I hope someday to write children's books, encourage the young people of the world to embrace cultural diversity, and hold season tickets to LSU football! GEAUX TIGERS!

Please feel free to ask any questions!


Personal Quote:

1% today = 100% better than 100 days. - Naimeh Sadreddini

I read dozens of books about heros and crooks and I learned much from both of their styles - Jimmy Buffet.


Last update: 2022-09-23
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