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Alexis Donato, M.A.

Counselor/Instructor, Psychological Services & Personal Counseling

Counseling and Student Services Division

Psychological Services & Personal Counseling
(650) 949-7910
(650) 949-7668


Foothill campus
Office: 5405
Office Hours:
Call our front desk to schedule a time that works for your schedule. 650-949-7910 room 5400 in the SRC.


Monday 8-6
Tuesday 8-4
Wednesday 7:30-1:00
Thursday 8-4
Fridays off campus

Course information:

Counseling 72--Stress, Wellness and Coping
This class will help you learn practical tools to identify and manage stress; define wellness and apply these skills to your life.


Positive psychology, mindfulness, yoga, hiking, the beach, travel, knitting/crochet, anything creative, having FUN, and spending time with my family.


I am currently teaching CNSL 72 Stress Wellness and Coping, and also provide individual counseling services at Psychological Services and Personal Counseling (in the SRC room 5405).

I help students manage stress, explore family relationships, and talk about things that are maybe really hard to talk about with friends and family. There is no problem too big or too small!

Being a student, you are at such a critical time and often in transition--which turns up the need to have a solid self-care, self-compassion and resilience practices to help you through all the challenges being a student holds such as balancing school with relationships, work, exploring who you are or being comfortable in your skin, and planning the next part of your journey whether is transferring or getting ready to work.

I help students explore this and more in personal counseling sessions and in my Stress Wellness and Coping class. Personal growth is something everyone can benefit from--hope to see you soon! :-)

In addition to my work at Foothill College, I'm a Licensed Marriage Family Therapist with a small private practice in Campbell.

I've been practicing since 2001 and licensed since 2007. I'm interested in the mind-body connection and have been an advanced student of an approach to counseling/therapy that is somatic (uses the body), experiential and mindfulness-based called Hakomi. This approach accesses how we see the world and how we relate to others. Mindfulness allows us to really slow down and become aware of our experiences that includes, thoughts, patterns and beliefs. We then can get really curious and study which beliefs empower us and which may keep us stuck. We then can make choices from an empowered view to help us in relationships, work, school, and how we want our lives to be.

**follow me on Facebook for inspiration, stress and wellness tips and more!

Personal Quote:

"If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place." Eckhart Tolle

"Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know." Pema Chodron

"Worry wont stop the bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good."

Last update: 2019-01-23
Direct directory record link:
