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Directory Search Results

Catherine Draper, RDH, MS

Health Instructor

Biological and Health Sciences Division



Foothill campus
Office Hours:
My virtual office hours are Tuesdays from 4:00 to 5:00 PM via Zoom or by appointment.


I will be teaching on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 11:50 am, room 8401.

Course information:

I currently teach Contemporary Health Concerns (Health 21).


I lived in Germany when I was first married and really enjoy traveling and learning about different cultures. I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, entertaining, gardening, and spending time outdoors. My latest hobby is sewing for my granddaughter and quilting.


I have been part of the Foothill faculty since 2007 but my connection to Foothill goes all the way back to my own college days when I graduated with my AS in Dental Hygiene. I have a bachelor's degree in health education from San Francisco State University and a master's degree in dental hygiene from the University of Michigan. I have worked for many years as a dental hygienist but I have always loved all aspects of teaching whether it is one on one or in the classroom. I especially enjoy getting to know my students and supporting their learning and education goals.

Personal Quote:

"Live each day to the fullest. While not every day is a good day, there is good in every day!"

Last update: 2021-09-09
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