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Degrees & Certificates

Business Administration Website | Business and Social Sciences Division

Associate Degree for Transfer-Business Administration 2020-2021


The Associate in Science in Business Administration for Transfer degree prepares students to transfer to California State Universities (CSUs). Students who complete the Associate in Science in Business Administration for Transfer degree will be ensured preferential transfer status to CSUs for business administration majors and majors in related disciplines. The Associate in Science in Business Administration for Transfer degree requirements will fulfill the lower division major requirements at many local CSUs. Students are advised, however, to meet with a counselor to assess the course requirements for specific CSUs.

The Associate in Science in Business Administration for Transfer degree will enable students to develop theoretical and functional skills specific to many of the primary functions in business such as marketing, accounting, finance and management. Additionally, students will learn communication, interpersonal, collaboration, research, critical thinking and leadership skills through hands-on projects.

Program Learning Outcomes:

-Students will develop skills to interpret resource allocation through research in basic financial literacy skills (computation, critical thinking skills), by analyzing the data with understanding of communication/leadership local and in the global sphere of the business world. This is accomplished in writing and in their oral presentations.
-As a result of these basic business experiences, students will develop strategies on to which area of business they may enter.

Units Required

  • Major: 44-45

Degree Requirements:

Associate in Science in Business Administration for Transfer requires completion of a minimum of 90 units to include:
-CSU General Education Breadth Requirements or the *Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) (49-58 units) (full certification is required)
-Core and support courses (44-45 units, of which 15 units may satisfy the GE requirement)
-Transferable electives necessary to meet the 90-unit minimum requirement

NOTE: All courses pertaining to the major must be completed with a grade of "C" (or "P") or better. In addition, the student must obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Although it is possible to fulfill the requirements for the Associate Degree for Transfer by completing the IGETC for UC pattern, admission to CSU requires completion of an Oral Communication course (IGETC Area 1C; CSU GE Area A-1); therefore, students who plan to transfer to CSU should complete this course as part of their GE or elective units.

Core Courses (30 units)

ACTG 1A Financial Accounting I (5 units)
ACTG 1B Financial Accounting II (5 units)
or ACTG 1BH Honors Financial Accounting II (5 units)
ACTG 1C Managerial Accounting (5 units)
or ACTG 1CH Honors Managerial Accounting (5 units)
BUSI 18 Business Law I (5 units)
ECON 1A Principles of Macroeconomics (5 units)
ECON 1B Principles of Microeconomics (5 units)

Support Courses (14-15 units)

Complete #1 or #2 from List A:
List A:
1. MATH 12* Calculus for Business & Economics (5 units)
2. MATH 10 Elementary Statistics (5 units)
or MATH 17 Integrated Statistics II (5 units)
or PSYC 7 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (5 units)
or SOC 7 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (5 units)

And complete TWO courses from List B:
List B:
BUSI 11 Introduction to Information Systems (5 units)
or BUSI 91L Introduction to Business Information Processing (4 units)
BUSI 22 Principles of Business (5 units)
or BUSI 22H Honors Principles of Business (5 units)
1.** MATH 12* Calculus for Business & Economics (5 units)
2.** MATH 10 Elementary Statistics (5 units)
or MATH 17 Integrated Statistics II (5 units)
or PSYC 7 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (5 units)
or SOC 7 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (5 units)

* MATH 1A or MATH 1AH may be substituted for MATH 12.
** If not previously completed for List A. NOTE: for #2, only one course is permitted from: MATH 10, MATH 17, PSYC 7, SOC 7.

Control Information:
2020-2021 | Status: Approved | Modified: 2020-05-14 16:14:22 | Dept Code: BUSI
