Resource Links
This page provides a number of links to locally important Archaeology companies, and Anthropology sites. Please note, the majority of these sites are NOT Foothill websites.
If a resource doesn't have a hyper-link, use Google to search for it.
These are the businesses that were at the Society for California Archaeology meetings in March 2023 actively looking for employees
Cultural Resource Management
Below please find a list of many CA companies that were searching for employees in March 2023 at the Society for CA Archaeology meetings in Oakland.
Andrew Kinkella describes how to get a job in CRM. Youtube.
These companies ask that you send them a CV directly and ask them for work through their websites:
ASM and Associates
Caltrans - district 4 and 10 (and others
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc
Rincon Consultants, Inc
Pacitic Legacy
Great Basin Institute
Dokken Engineering
Transcon Environmental, Inc
Sonoma State University
US Army Corps of Engineers
Cultural Resources Facility at Humboldt State University
Cogstone Resource Management
Applied Earthworks, Inc
John Holson and Associates
Montrose Environmental
UC Berkeley Archaeological Research Facility (ARF)
Environmental Science Associates (ESA)
USDA - Forest Service
National Park Service
Midpeninsula Open Space District
Any county park system in the region
Statistical Research, Inc
Logan Simpson
Go to Archaeologyfieldwork.com
Listen to the Archaeology Podcast Network!
These links are useful
- De Anza Anthropology
- California Berkeley Anthropology
- Archaeological Research Facility at Berkeley
- San Francisco State University Anthropology
- Santa Clara University Anthropology
- San Jose State University Anthropology
- South Western Anthropological Association
- SFSU Treganza Anthropology Museum
- West Valley College Anthropology
- Stanford Archaeology Center
- Stanford Archaeology Club
- Stanford Cultural and Social Anthropology
- Stanford Anthropology Brown Bag Talks
- Stanford Anthropology Colloquia
- Stanford Anthropology Calendar
- Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs
- American Anthropological Association
- Society for American Archaeology
- American Association of Physical Anthropologists
- Society for Applied Anthropology
- Anthropology Links
- A Guide to Anthropology Links
- University of Chicago Anthropology Links
- New York Times Anthropology & Archaeology Page - College Resources for Students and Faculty
- Academy of Forensic Sciences
Other Specific Anthropology Links
- Anthropology Obituary Index
Anthropology and Technology
- "Social and Economic Implications of Information Technologies Bibliographic Data Base" - A pilot project. You are invited to send your comments and additional citations, especially citations to your own relevant work
Applied Anthropology
- Cultural Survival - Promoting the rights, voices, and visions of indigenous peoples
- Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs (COPAA)
- Expeditions, Research in Applied Anthropology is a growing worldwide independent network of scholars in the human sciences, offering anthropological fieldwork and studies. Current Summer Fieldwork & Special Scholarships
- Idealist.org - Action Without Borders
- New York Academy of Medicine
- New York Academy of Sciences
- Public Anthropology
- Survival International helps tribal peoples defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.
- Vera Institute of Justice
Archaeology Resources
- African American Archaeology Resource Links
- AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY - the World Wide Web Virtual Library
- African Diaspora Archaeology Network and Newsletter - Information about archaeological studies of African diasporas, including news, current research and Web links
- American Academy in Rome
- www.archaeologyfieldwork.com - offers employment listings in archaeology and related disciplines, resume postings, field schools, volunteer opportunities, a students section, discussion board, and many resources for those in the internet archaeology community
- Archaeology at About.com
- The Archaeology Channel (www.archaeologychannel.org)
- ArchNet -the World Wide Web Virtual Library for Archaeology
- eHRAF Collection of Archaeology
Compiled by Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), this full-text database contains information on the archaeological traditions of the world. It is a unique database for research and teaching. For password and further information contact www.yale.edu/hraf. - El Paso Archaeological Society
- Historical Archaeology in Harpers Ferry and Loudoun Valley
- Historical Landscapes of New Philadelphia - Information about archaeological investigations at New Philadelphia, Ill., the first U.S. town planned and legally founded by an African-American.
- The International Center for East Asian Archaeology and Cultural History (ICEAACH) at Boston University provides important resources for research and teaching about the archaeology of Central Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia for educators at all levels, museums, the media, and the general public.
- National Center for Preservation Technology and Training, National Park Service
- Lithic Technology - a journal of lithic technology
- Loveland Archaeological Society - a cultural institution for the past 64 years that features some of the world's foremost archaeologists as guest speakers, as well as extensive exhibits of artifacts.
- North Carolina Archaeology - Compiled by the North Carolina Office of State Archaeology, North Carolina Archaeological Council, and North Carolina Archaeology Society
- Plymouth Colony Archive Project - Archives and Analysis of Plymouth Colony, 1620-1691
- The Prehistoric Society
- The Society for Historical Archeology
- The Society for Industrial Archeology
- Southwestern Archaeology Inc.
- Yahoo Anthropology/Archaeology Server
Biological/Physical Anthropology
- What is Forensic Anthropology? - http://www.forensicanthro.com/
- Dental Analysis in Archaeology - http://www.perioimplants.us/dental-analysis-in-archaeology.html
- Dental Anthropology and Bioarchaeology - http://www.adc-fl.com/dental-anthropology-and-bioarchaeology/
- eHRAF Collection of Ethnography
Compiled by Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), this full-text database contains information on the cultures and ethnic groups of the world. It is a unique database for research and teaching. For password and further information contact www.yale.edu/hraf. - Etnografia.it - available in both English and Italian
- Ethnographic Studies Internet Resources Page - A collection of resources in Anthropology, Ethnomusicology, Folklore and Folklife, by the Library of Congress
- Ethnography and the Internet - Compiled by David Fetterman, this site lists databases, free and commercial software, and practical reference and directory assistance pages.
- OSEA The Open School of Ethnography and Anthropology is a non-degree school without walls that offers ethnographic training programs to undergraduates and graduate students. It offers a summer field school, a winter ethnography study abroad program and an ethnography writer's workshop. Programs are held in Yucatán, México.
- Uysal-Walker Archive of Turkish Oral Narrative
Funding Opportunities
- Anthropologists' Fund for Urgent Anthropological Research
- Arkansas Scholarship Service
- The Royal Anthropological Institute
- Fellowships
- Grants
General Resources
- Aesthetic Realism - A New Perspective for Anthropology
- Alternate Routes - a journal of critical social research
- Anthropology Resources - Anthropology related news, books and web resources
- Anthropology Resources on the Internet - Tthe first anthropology directory on the Internet
- AusAnthrop - This site is dedicated to research and resources in anthropology, for academics as well as the layman. Special accent is on Aboriginal Australia, and more specifically on the Western Desert cultural bloc.
- Being Indigenous
- eCulturalResources.com - Cultural Resource Network
- eHRAF Collection of Ethnography - Compiled by Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), this full-text database contains information on the cultures and ethnic groups of the world. It is a unique database for research and teaching. For password and further information contact www.yale.edu/hraf.
- Evolution Web site - The site explores the major themes of each of the seven shows in the PBS Evolution broadcast series through interactive Web activities, timelines, expert roundtables and provocative polls. It also provides links to an extensive multimedia Evolution library and a wealth of teacher and student materials.
- Global Anthropology
- An Inclusive Historical Debate in Latin America
- Integrated Approaches to Participatory Development (IAPAD) - Participatory Avenues promotes the diffusion of Participatory 3D Modeling (P3DM) as best practice for merging peoples' knowledge and traditional spatial information. The website supports the culture of knowledge dissemination and acts as focal point for sharing information and technical progress on community-based mapping and Public Participation GIS (PPGIS). P3DM has a wide range of applications ranging from collaborative research and planning for natural resource management, to dealing with conflict resolution and resource tenure.
- International Center for Scientific Research
- Lost Trails - an educational multi-media web site
- Margaret Mead's Legacy: Continuing Conversations - The Barnard Center for Research on Women
- PapuaWeb - Papuaweb is a collaborative research project between the State University of Papua (UNIPA), Cenderawasih State University (UNCEN) and the Australian National University (ANU). Papuaweb welcomes contributions of research materials to enhance the resources of this website.
- PopPlanet - Examines the relationship among population, health, and environmental issues.
- PreservationDirectory.Com - is a research tool and resource for preservation organizations, restoration professionals and the general public.
- Radical Anthropology
- Studio Antropologico - Non-English site - The site proposes themes of History of Religions, Anthropology and Ethnology. Studioantropologico wants to be a virtual laboratory and workroom, consisting of historical documentary parts and deepining parts, as well as more dynamic sections, for example interviews to experts on different subjects, or opened spaces for discussions between everybody interested.
- Symbolic Anthropology - Symbolic Anthropology is a field of Cultural Anthropology which explores symbols (e.g. narratives, dreams and myth). Anthropologists examine the link between symbols and a society's cognitive structure, rules of moral conduct and patterns of social interactions. By studying the meaning and the structure, the anthropologist attempts to generalize the culture of global societies.
- WorldCalendar.com - includes meetings of interest to anthropologists.
Lists/Discussion Groups
- AAA Human Rights - AAA members interested in human rights-related issues encouraged to subscribe.
- ABA-SIG - Association of Black Anthropologists Student Interest Group Listserv. Send email to listproc@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu
- AnthroLounge: A forum where we can talk about everything anthropology! There is a general anthropology discussion, student lounge, as well as forums on upcoming conferences, career interests, and websites of interest for doing online research and/or making a difference in communities If you are an anthropologist, a student of anthropology, or simply interested in the field, feel free to join us!
- Ant-Bra -- The E-Forum of Anthropology of/in Brazil
- ANTHRO-L Home Page/Archives - Maintained by Danny Yee, this site contains archives of the ANTHRO-L listserv's discussions, since November 1993.
- AnthroStudent - Send email to anthrostudent-on@mail-list.com
- APLA-L - Association for Political and Legal Anthropology. To subscribe to the APLA listserv, send the message subscribe apla-l end to majordomo@virginia.edu
- Archaeology Field Jobs - List owner Joe Brandon
- CAE-L - Council on Anthropology and Education Listserv. Send email to listproc@lmrinet.ucsb.edu
- CASTAC-L - Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology and Computing Listserv. Send email to listserv@mitvmo.mit.edu
- H-SAE - Society for the Anthropology of Europe Listserv. Send email to listserv@msu.edu
- SOLGA-L - Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists Listserv. Send email to listserv@american.edu
- URBANTH-L is the listserv of the Society for Urban, National and Transnational/Global Anthropology (SUNTA), as well as for all those with an interest in the field of urban anthropology. To subscribe, please visit the listserv website at http://lists.ysu.edu/mailman/listinfo.cgi/urbanth-l
- WOMANTH-L - send email to listserver@relay.doit.wisc.edu
Literature and Libraries
- The Anthropological Index of the Royal Anthropological Institute
- Anthropological Literature: an Index to Periodical Articles and Essays - A bibliographic index to articles in journals and edited works received by Tozzer Library.
- Anthropology Review Database (ARD) - Publishes reviews of all anthropological media and citations for reviews published elsewhere. Searchable database. Free.
- CARRIE On-line Library - Donated Works Under Copyright
- Southeast Asian Archaeology Scholarly Website - The website is a searchable bibliography with an initial database of over 3500 references.
- WWW Virtual Library: Anthropology
- American Museum of Natural History Division of Anthropology - Over 100,000 Museum's ethnographic objects with images and description, linked to the original catalogue pages, field notebooks, and photographs are available online. The site proved to be a useful tool for researchers, teachers, and students.
- Houston Museum of Natural Science
- National Museum of Ethnology - Leiden, Netherlands
- Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
- The Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology - Explore the diversity of human cultures from around the world. The museum has permanent and changing exhibits based on current anthropological work.
- U Penn Museum Website - the award-winning website of the U of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
News and Media
- Anthropology in the News
- New York Times Anthropology & Archaeology Page - College Resources for Students and Faculty
Organizations and Institutes
- Archaeological Institute of America
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Association of Physical Anthropologists
- American Association of University Professors
- American Council of Learned Societies - Up-to-date information about fellowships and grants of interest to anthropologists.
- American Folklore Society
- American Society for Ethnohistory
- American Sociological Association
- Becoming Human - The Institute of Human Origins
- Center for Anthropology and Science Communications
- Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs (COPAA) The COPAA website has recently been revamped and it represents a valuable resource for students, faculty, and practitioners.
- Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science is funded by the National Science Foundation under its program of support for infrastructure in the social and behavioral sciences.
- European Society of Ethnopharmacology
- FAMSI Research Facility - Web access to the Kerr Photographic Archives, Bibliografia Mesoamericana, Schele Archives, and research reports by FAMSI grantees. Funding opportunities.
- Human Rights Organizations on the AAA Web site
- The Institute for Development Anthropology (IDA) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit research and educational institution that engages in envrionmentally sustainable development through equitable economic growth and respect for human rights.
- International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers (IAMAT) - a non-profit Foundation established in 1960, whose aim is to advise travellers about health risks; geographical distribution of diseases; immunization requirements for all countries; and to make available to travellers around the world competent medical care by western-trained doctors who speak English besides their mother tongue.
- International Center for Scientific Research - reference scientific organisations over the world, classified by countries and topics
- Loveland Archaeological Society - a cultural institution for the past 64 years that features some of the world's foremost archaeologists as guest speakers, as well as extensive exhibits of artifacts.
- Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology - Investigates the interaction between ethnic groups and national states in Africa, while in Eurasia the focus will be upon new property relations.
- Murray Research Center - promotes the use of existing social science data to explore human development in the context of social change.
- National Anthropological Archives - Collects and preserves historical and contemporary anthropological materials that document the world's cultures and the history of the discipline.
- National Science Foundation
- Cultural Anthropology Program
- Archaeology Program
- Physical Anthropology Program
- New York Folklore Society
- Orang Asli Archive - The KSC Orang Asli Archive is a repository for unpublished documents, films, tapes and other recordings relevant to Orang Asli peoples and cultures.
- The Prehistoric Society
- The Royal Anthropological Institute
- School of American Research - a center for advanced study in anthropology, the humanities, and Native American art.
- Social Science Research Council - Fellowship and grant opportunities
- Society for American Archaeology
- Society for Applied Anthropology
- Society for Economic Anthropology
- Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America
- The Society for Historical Archeology
- The Society for Industrial Archeology
- Summer Institute of Linguistics
- U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences
- Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.
- World Council of Anthropology Associations - is a network of national and international associations that aims to promote worldwide communication and cooperation in anthropology.
Other AAA Sites
- AAA Section and Interest Group sites
- Alcohol and Drug Study Group- an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology
- Careers in Anthropology Video - National Association of Practicing Anthropologists
- Clinically Applied Medical Anthropology Special Committee - an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology
- Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology and Computing - a Committee of the General Anthropology Division
- Committee on Refugees and Immigrants- a Committee of the General Anthropology Division
- Council on Anthropology and Reproduction- an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology
- Council on Nursing and Anthropology- an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology
- Critical Anthropology of Health Caucus- an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology
- Cultural Anthropology - the journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology
- Disability Research Interest Group- an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology
- Ethos - the journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology
- Federation of Small Anthropology Programs- a Committee of the General Anthropology Division
- Global Health and Emerging Diseases Study Group- an interest group of the Society for Medical Anthropology
- PoLAR - the Journal of the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology
- Post-Communist Cultural Studies Interest Group
Resources for Teachers/Professors
- Anthropology on the Internet for K-12 - Links to selected sites with information for teachers and young people. Sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution's John Wesley Powell Library of Anthropology.
- EdHelper.Com - A Resource for K-12 teachers
- Experience Rich Anthropology - On-line teaching materials
- History/Social Studies for K-12 Teachers
- 'Historical Archaeology of the Americas' course syllabus - From Christopher Fennell, professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; includes resource links and bibliography
- On-line Course Packets - Bell & Howell Information and Learning has a service called ProQuest CoursePacks which "enables professors to create customized, copyright-cleared reading materials to supplement textbook sources."
Visual Anthropology
- Bullfrog Films is a leading source of educational videos, with a collection of over 500 titles
- California Newsreel is a resource for films and videos on African cinema, race and diversity and media and society for educational use.
- DocuSeek is a search site for independent documentary, social issue, and educational videos. DocuSeek allows you to simultaneously search several leading film distributors' complete collections, representing the highest quality documentary and instructional media, films and videos available.
- Ethnoscope - Multicultural films & videos.
- Images of Anthropology - This site provides a varied selection of photographs suitable for publication in texts, books, manuscripts, related to different fields of anthropology-archaeology.
- The American Museum of Natural History's Margaret Mead Traveling Film & Video Festival is now available for bookings. This year, program themes include black activism in the United States, women's leadership roles in Afghanistan and Haiti, a celebration of the work of Jean Rouch, and more; for a full description of this season's outstanding line-up please consult the Mead website at www.amnh.org/mead.
- New Day Films - Educators across the country, many from Anthropology, Sociology and Ethnology departments, routinely buy New Day titles for educational use.
- http://www.peoplesoftheworld.org/index.html - The World's minority peoples in words and pictures.
- Tribal Photography Resource and Gallery - A photographic resource supporting tribal survival, the defense of human rights and cultural autonomy of indigenous people.
- The Ur-list of Anthropological Web Resources - Compiled by Peter Biella, the Ur-List has a special emphasis on visual anthropology and media. It facilitates web searches by cross-indexing more than 200 anthropological sites according to the categories of information they contain.
- Antropologia Visuale Materiali

We're Here to Help!
Anthropology Department
Sam: 650.949.7197
Kathryn: 650.949.7751
Julie: 650.949.7430
Samuel Connell
Kathryn Maurer
Julie Jenkins
Office 3017, Main Campus