African American Network
By Laws
Article I: Name and Purpose
Section A. The official name of this Organization shall be the African American Network of Foothill College and the complete title or its abbreviation (AAN) shall be used in all transactions of official business.
Section B. The purpose of this Organization shall be to function in an advocacy and support role for Foothill-De Anza Community College District employees of African Descent, as well as Foothill College students of African Descent.
Article II: Membership
Section A. Membership shall be open to all Foothill-De Anza Community College District employees who support the above purpose.
Section B. Active members shall be defined as those whose dues are current.
Section C. Active members shall have a vote and be eligible to hold office.
Article III: Officers
Section A. The officers of this Organization shall be a President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Community Liaison Officer, Afro-centric Student Clubs Liaison, Black Student Union (BSU) Advisor, African Student Organization (ASO) Advisor. BSU President or designee and ASO President or designee will be an ex-officio officer of this Organization.
Section B. The term of office for officers shall be two years commencing July 1st and ending June 30th. The offices of Secretary and Community Liaison Officer shall be elected in odd numbered years. The offices of Treasurer and Afro centric Student Clubs Liaison shall be elected in even numbered years. The Office of President-elect shall be elected annually.
Section C. The Officers shall be nominated by the membership and elected by mail-in ballot by the end of the Spring Quarter for those positions scheduled for election in that year. A plurality vote shall be necessary to elect. When there is only one nominee for an office, s/he may be elected by default.
Section D. If any office other than the Presidency becomes vacant, the President shall, at the earliest possible date thereafter, contact the runners-up for the purpose of filling such office. If no runner-up is available the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement. The member thus appointed shall immediately enter upon the duties and shall hold office until the next regular election.
Section E. If the Office of the President becomes vacant the President-elect shall assume office for the remainder of the term. Section F. Duties of the Officers. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Organization; appoint all committees not otherwise provided for; carryout assignments and instruction given by vote of the Organization; and perform such other duties as customarily pertain to the Office of President.
The President-elect shall be responsible for the coordination and function of all standing and /or special committees and shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President. The President-elect shall assume the office of President upon completion of the term of office for one year.
The Secretary shall maintain the minutes of all meetings of this Organization and shall handle all correspondence and publicity.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial business of this Organization and shall present an annual financial report to the membership.
The Community Liaison Officer shall be responsible to serve as principal liaison between the African American Network and local, national, and international organizations that empower the Network's ability to recruit and serve students of African ancestry.
The Afro-centric Student Clubs Liaison shall be responsible to serve as principal liaison between Afro-centric Student Clubs and the African American Network.
The Black Student Union Representative serves as primary liaison to the Black Student Union and performs other duties defined in the Bylaws.
The African Student Organization Representative serves as primary liaison to the African Student Organization and performs other duties defined in the Bylaws. Section G: All officers may be recalled by a two-third (2/3) vote of the active membership, provided that written or printed notice of the proposal recall has been given to all active members at least two weeks in advance.
Article IV: Executive Committee
Section A: The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the African American Network.
Section B: If a member of the Executive Committee fails to meet the obligation of the position, s/he shall be considered for replacement. If a replacement is recommended, the President or another officer will notify the membership at the earliest possible date. The Executive Committee by majority vote may replace the member who fails to meet his/her obligations. The newly appointed member shall immediately enter upon the duties and shall hold office until the next regularly scheduled election for that office.
Section C: The President shall preside at all Executive Committee meetings and shall vote in the event of a tie.
Section D: The immediate Past-President shall be an "ex-officio" member of the Executive Committee.
Section E: At Executive Committee meetings, the Committee may request the presence of committee chairpersons or other members, who may attend as "ex-officio" members of the Executive Committee.
Section F: Executive Committee meetings will be held monthly. These meetings will be open to the general membership.
Section G: The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for the next regular meeting; shall make recommendations on policy to the general membership; may call special meetings of the membership with notice; may appoint committees; and may take action on general business between regular meetings. Section H: For any meetings of the Executive Committee, a quorum shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee.
Article V : Meetings
Section A: General meetings shall be held quarterly during the academic year.
Section B: Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee. The Committee shall give every member notice of the time and place of the special meetings.
Section C: Meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order.
Article VI: Committees
The standing committees and/or special committees of this organization shall be appointed by the President. The manner of selection and function shall be determined by needs of the membership.
Article VII: Amendments
Section A: These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Organization by two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting, provided that written or printed notice of the proposed amendment has been given to all active members at least two weeks in advance.
Section B: Bylaws of this organization may be adopted at any regular meeting by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership provided that previous notice has been given.
Article VIII: Dues
Membership dues of $25 shall be assessed on an annual basis to cover the Network's operational costs. Any changes to the amounts must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the active members.