Student Technology Support Hub
Technology Needs Request
Computer Loan Program
Foothill College offers a Chromebook loan program for enrolled students through the Library, helping to meet your course material needs.
- Computers are loaned for the term in which they are requested
- You have an option to renew at the end of the quarter
- To request a computer loan, please contact the Library Circulation Desk at fhlibrary@fhda.edu or call us at 650.949.7611.
Internet Access
Foothill College offers a way for students to get and stay connected to their online classes by assisting with internet access.
- Foothill College does not have hot spots to loan
- Only financial awards are available for Internet assistance
- To request a financial award, please contact a Financial Aid representative.
If you've already submitted a request, you will be contacted by financial aid to learn of your fund disbursement.
Please email techambassadors@fhda.edu or visit the Tech Hub Live Chat during operating hours.

Student Support PortalOnce you log into Canvas, access Student Services and Academic Support contact information directly. Just look for and click on this icon below on your Canvas left menu!