The honors course offers a challenging intellectual environment examining psycho-social issues and the development of individual identities to advance learning in American communities of color. Using race, culture and education as a frame of reference, issues of inequality and social justice are explored to discover their influence on personal development, learning, and agency. As an honors course, it is a seminar with advanced teaching methods focusing on Freirean praxis, major writing, reading, and research assignments, student class lectures, group discussions and interactions.
Advisory: Not open to students with credit in CNSL 3.
Not Repeatable.
4.5 hours lecture per week. 54 hours total per quarter.
Foothill GE Area:English
Transfer GE:
Information regarding how this course is applied toward CSU GE/Breadth or IGETC certification is available at:
Foothill Transfer GE Guide
Department Note:
Appointments and information: (650) 949-7423
All CNSL 5 classes meet only for four days in the summer unless otherwise noted. It is highly recommended that the student complete math and English assessments before the first day of class.