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Entry Level Job Opportunities in Psychology

In many of these areas, there is high demand for services and a need for more workers. Jobs in these areas do not require a college degree and can help you develop valuable skills, bolster your resume, and provide valuable services to people in need.



Employer Opportunity

Pacific Learning Autism Services (San Mateo, CA)


Logo of Pacific Autism Learning Services

There is a high demand to provide more services for children on the autism spectrum.  Pacific Learning Autism Services are always hiring, especially at the San Mateo location.  The more people they hire, the more children and families they can serve.  Consider applying!



Click Here for Pacific Autism Learning Services Job Opportunities



Employer Opportunity

Pacific Autism Center for Education (San Jose, CA)


Pacific Learning Autism Education Logo

PACE, located in San Jose near Santa Clara, is looking to hire behavioral therapists to work with autistic children on the an on-going basis.  Consider applying!

Click Here for PACE Job Opportunities

Examples of Entry Level Jobs in Psyc (jobs that do not require a degree)

AB Bhavior Technician – work with autistic children who could benefit from specialized learning environments or children with other developmental delay disorders. ABA, or Applied Behavioral Analysis, is a technique of using reinforcements to help children learn and develop skills.

Teaching Assistant - often works with disabled students or those who have mental health conditions, whether in special education settings, public schools or private facilities.

Home Health Aid - visits a person's private residence to assist them with practical and daily tasks, like bathing, eating and housekeeping responsibilities.

Administrative Assistant - duties can include answering phones, scheduling appointments, handling invoicing, billing and payment collection, staffing the reception desk and more.

Health Educator -  works to educate those in the community about health, wellness and behaviors, including elements of mental health.

Camp Counselor – responsible for providing supervision and education to campers. In most cases, camp counselors perform job duties like overseeing camper activities, planning lessons and events and facilitating recreational activities.

Read More

17 Entry-Level Psychology Jobs Requiring No Field Experience

25 Mental Health Jobs that Do Not Require a Degree


Job Search Resources is a terrific resource for finding jobs in the field of psychology.  Try different search terms, such as “Entry Level Psychology.”  You can add filters to show jobs available with a high school diploma or GED, AA, BA, or graduate degree. is similar to  Try different search terms, such as “Entry Level Psychology.”  You can apply filters to narrow your search, such as “Entry level” and “Internship.”


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Psychology Department


Ben Stefonik, Department Chair:
