Heritage & Health Series Program
LGBTQ+ History Month 2024
Celebrate LGBTQ+ History with Us
Wednesday, June 5
LGBTQ+ Annual Pride March
11:30 a.m.-Noon
Cesar Chavez Plaza
Share your PRIDE across campus with a march leading to the LGBTQ+ Inclusive Flag Raising Ceremony at the FHDA District Office! Bring a Pride poster, or borrow one from the organizers. Make some noise as we march from Ceaser Chavez Plaza and across campus down the hill to the District Office, which begins at Noon.
LGBTQ+ Inclusive Flag Raising Ceremony
Noon-2 p.m.
FHDA District Office Flagpole (Lot 7)
Join us in celebrating PRIDE for all at Foothill-De Anza's third annual LGBTQ+ Inclusive Flag Raising Ceremony. Together with students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members; we celebrate inclusion, unity, awareness, wellness, and equity for all.
Reception with appetizers and beverages to follow indoors in the District Office's lobby.
Sponsored by Foothill College's Mental Health and Wellness Center.
Thursday, June 6
Virtual Artist Talk with Tara Pixley
Noon-1 p.m.
Register to Join by Zoom
Tara Pixley, Ph.D. is a queer, Jamaican-American visual journalist and Assistant Professor
of Journalism at Temple University. Dr. Pixley will discuss an ethics of care approach
to photojournalism through two of her longform projects: Immersed in Oil, which documents the environmental justice issue of toxic oil production in Southern
California; and House of Light, which documents a Tijuana shelter run by and for LGBTQ+ Central American migrants
and asylees.
Thursday, June 13
Clothing Swap
2-6 p.m.
KCI (Krause Center for Innovation, 4000 Bldg)
Join us at our quarterly clothing swap to upcycle clothes and accessories that no longer bring you joy, but may bring joy to someone else!
Take a break to do a little free shopping! Students, faculty, and staff are all invited to attend. There is no contribution requirement to attend or pick up items.
Please download the clothing swap reference sheet for types of items we are accepting for donation.
Snacks, mending materials, and crafting supplies will be provided. Bring a bag to carry your “new” clothes home.
Rainbow donation bins will be set up around campus starting 6/4. Please check back for locations.
You may also bring your clothes to swap at the event.
Any remaining items after the swap will be donated locally.
Event sponsored by Gender and Sexualities Alliance (GSA), Social Justice Club (SJC), Fiber Arts Club, Krause Center for Innovation, Owl's Nest and ASFC.
Tuesday, June 18
Virtual Talk with Author Sa’ed Atshan
11 a.m.–Noon
Register to Join by Zoom
With his book Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique, Professor Sa'ed Atshan asks how transnational progressive social movements can balance
struggles for liberation along more than one axis. He explores critical junctures
in the history of Palestinian LGBTQ activism, revealing the queer Palestinian spirit
of agency, defiance, and creativity, in the face of daunting pressures and forces
working to constrict it. Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique explores the necessity
of connecting the struggles for Palestinian freedom with the struggle against homophobia.
From Ramallah to New York, Tel Aviv to Porto Alegre, people around the world celebrate a formidable, transnational Palestinian LGBTQ social movement. Solidarity with Palestinians has become a salient domain of global queer politics. Yet LGBTQ Palestinians, even as they fight patriarchy and imperialism, are themselves subjected to an "empire of critique" from Israeli and Palestinian institutions, Western academics, journalists and filmmakers, and even fellow activists. Such global criticism has limited growth and led to an emphasis within the movement on anti-imperialism over the struggle against homophobia.
LGBTQ+ Closing Ceremony
Noon-1 p.m.
Library Quad
Take a break from studying for finals and grab an ice cream to cool off from the summer heat! We hope you had a blast in celebrating this Pride month with us! Music, treats, mix and minge with fellow classmates, and a pronouns info booth will be available. Non-dairy and gluten free options will be available.
Friday, June 21
Lavender Graduation
4-6 p.m.
Hearthside Lounge (2313)
Join us in an end of year celebration of all of the amazing LGBTQIA+ identified students and their ally's. Special guest speaker and poet Shelley Wong to give a reading of her poetry, student and staff performances, as well as light refreshments, music, and recognition of students within and in support of the LGBTQIA+ community. Open students leaving Foothill for the next stage of their life, including students earning a degree, transfer students, those earning a certificate, or another accomplishment before departing Foothill.
If you are graduating, transferring, or receiving a degree or certificate this year, please register by June 14 to participate. Those who register by Friday, June 14, will receive a special lavender stole at the
Shelley Wong is the author of As She Appears (YesYes Books, 2022), which was longlisted for the National Book Award for Poetry and winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Poetry. She lives in San Francisco.
Pronouns Stations
Throughout the month we will have tabling available at most events which will provide education on pronouns and how to correctly use them, and more. Stop by to learn more about using inclusive language to ensure all feel acknowledged and accepted.
More details coming soon.
Questions? Please contact Victoria Strelnikova at strelnikovavictoria@fhda.edu.
LGBTQ+ Planning Committee Members
Thank you to all our students, faculty and staff who helped plan our LGBTQ+ events this month.
- Jeffery Thomas, Chair
- Astro (Katel) Fong
- Ellian Clarke
- Amy Shannon
- Clifton Der Bing
- Ryann Mejia Gonzales
- Wren Fuhrmann
- Arya Gordon
- Trizha Loren Aquino
- Nate Springer
- Victoria Strelnikova, Advisor

We're Here to Help!
Heritage Month Planning
Campus Center, Room 2008