Become an Engineer
What are engineering courses like?
Take a look at course descriptions about class projects and what you'll learn.
Engr 6 Engineering Graphics: 3D Creations
Engr 10 Introduction to Engineering: Helping Design a Better World
Engr 11 Programming & Problem Solving in Matlab: Getting Computers to do Homework for You
Use the Matlab coding language to write programs that can solve physics, chemistry, and math problems. Along the way, master general coding tricks and techniques. This course may include a project on a self-directed topic such as planning a space route to Mars, recreating aspects of Photoshop, games, and GUIs to automate physics homework. No previous experience needed!
Engr 35 Statics: A Real Balancing Act
In Statics, students explore how forces must be balanced in order to keep towers from tumbling and bridges from breaking. Forces are all around us, and engineers use the concept of forces to understand and communicate their designs. Students are expected to come to class prepared and to be responsible for completing problem sets for homework. This course includes a team project.
Engr 37 Introduction to Circuit Analysis: They Why and How of Charging your Cell Phone
In Engr 37 we start off with current, resistance, voltage and power to refresh your basic concepts. Then in week two we zoom into an interesting array of electrical circuits (think puzzles) and analysis techniques to model their behavior in DC, transient and AC circuits. Students are encouraged to work in groups on homework. Understanding the techniques thoroughly will be critical to your success. Quizzes, tests and an exam will fill out the quarter.
Engr 37L Circuit Analysis Laboratory: Hands-on Experience with Making Things Work
In Engr 37L you will work through hands-on labs in small groups to reinforce Engr 37 circuit principles. Lab reports, a practical and an exam will be included.
Engr 45 Properties of Materials: Will it Break?
Students in Properties of Materials will explore how metals, ceramics, and polymers break. Students will get hands-on experience with what happens when you heat these materials. This course also investigates the electrical and magnetic properties of metals, semiconductors, and ceramics.
Engr 46 Strength of Materials: Stress and Strain under Pressure
Learn how materials behave under pressure. How much can a material take?
Engr 47 Dynamics: Avoiding Catastrophic Failure
Learn how to track the position, velocity, and acceleration of an ant as it walks across a football that is spinning as it flies through the air. Concepts taught in this course are essential to avoiding catastrophes from large rocket systems to small spinning parts in cars. This course analyzes collisions and moving systems. Homework includes reading assignments and working problem sets. There is an individual project for this class.
Engr 49 Engineering Profession: Engineering Speaker Series
Practicing Engineers from local companies are the guest speakers for this course that explores the pathways, work, and lifestyle of engineers. Previous guests include engineers from large companies: Google, Apple, SpaceX, Phillips 66, Intel, Silicon Valley Water Water District, NASA Ames, and Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, and start-up companies: Nest, BRD Motorcycles, Motive, HealthIQ, and Ateva. Students are expected to attend regularly and ask thoughtful questions. There is an individual project for this class.
Additionally, you can find out what projects you might be doing in a variety of Foothill STEM courses by attending the STEM Showcase held at the end of each quarter.
We're Here to Help!
Sarah Parik, Dept. Chair
Office Room 4403