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BIPOC Center

Workshops and Events

Upcoming Events

Know Your Rights Rapid Response Training

Date: February 6, 2025

Time: 11:00 am-12:30 pm

Location: 5015

know your rights

Past Events

Navigating Change, Jan 21st, 12 pm & 12:30 pm, BIPOC Center

Join us for pizza and learn about the resources and services available to support you at Foothill College. 

Monday, January 13th, 12-1:00 pm @ BIPOC Center, Room 2149: Welcome Back, Owls! Come grab a slice of pizza and hang out in the BIPOC Center. 

25- welcome back




Pre-Finals Fall Fest

Join us at the BIPOC Center, Room 2149 for food and activities.

12/2, Monday @11 am-12:30 pm, Hot Cocoa & Cookies

12/3, Tuesday @12-2 pm, Holiday Movies & Treats

12/4, Wednesday @11 am-12 pm, Donuts & Music

12/5, Thursday @ 11am-2:00 pm, PB & J Sandwiches

pre finals

Power hour: Breathwork

Monday, November 18th, 12:00-1:00 pm, BIPOC Center

Join us for a transformational breathwork workshopled by Lady Indigo! Discover the power of yourbreath in a guided session that will help you release stress. Learn more about breathwork and Lady Indigo's work at Indio Rizing.

power hour breathwork


Monday, October 28, 11:00 am- 1:00 pm, BIPOC Center

Halloween Movie- Bettlejuice Bettlejuice, Popcorn, and Candy

2nd annual halloween hangout


Monday, Oct. 7

Know Your Rights: Voting & Civic Action with Ellina Yin, the CEO/Founder of Only in San Jose

Noon-1 p.m.
BIPOC Center, Room 2149 

Ever wondered how your voice truly counts? Join us for "Know Your Rights: Voting & Civic Action," where we'll break down the power of your vote and how you can influence change in your community.

This isn’t just about checking a box—it's about understanding your rights, knowing how to advocate for what matters to you, and getting involved in civic action. Whether you're new to the process or a seasoned voter, this workshop is for you. Let’s make sure your voice is heard where it counts!

Art of Community Speaker Series

Join Us for Our Next Conversation on Shared Values

Joyful Design

Presentation and Conversation — with Angela McKee-Brown, Founder and CEO of Project Reflect
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 • Noon–1 p.m.
BIPOC MCC Room 2149

Or Join us on Zoom:

Black Student Success Week April 22-26

You Are Invited to BSSW 2024 at Foothill College

Join in the conversations all week, Monday through Friday, around this year's BSSW theme — Building a Better Future Together: The Urgency is Now

Attend on-campus Foothill events, organized by Foothill's Umoja Community and the Office of Equity and Inclusion, and register for daily online #TheBlackHourwebinars at 12-1 p.m. and #TheAfterParty discussions following at 1-2 p.m. All BSSW webinars are hosted by the Community College League of California, except for the Foothill Brandon Leake event listed above.

Welcome Back Event: Spring Returns, Wellness Yearns • Monday, April 15th • Time: 12-1 pm

so 24 wb


Monday, March 18th-Thursday, March 21st

Check Flyer for Times@ BIPOC MCC, Lower Campus, Room 2149
Come join us in the BIPOC Multicultural Center for a fun filled week to destress before finals. We will have a new activity everyday. Come relax, play, and eat some snacks and treats.

pre finals


Thursday, February 15th

12:00 - 1:00 p.m. @ BIPOC MCC , Building 2149 Come to the BIPOC Multicultural Center for fun community building event – learn about other’s ancestry origin, maybe share yours, and pin our world map to acknowledge Foothill’s student diversity.Enter to win a ticket to see the Bob Marley: One Love movie!



one love


Monday, January 22nd

12:00 - 1:00 p.m. @ BIPOC MCC , Building 2149

The Black Indigenous People of Color Multicultural Center invites you to learn about the Center, upcoming events, and grab something to snack on too. We're located near the bookstore and neighbors with the Owls Nest.

welcome back event flyer


Wednesday, January 24th

12:00 - 1:00 p.m. @ Appreciation Hall , Building 1501

Join us as the Art of Community launch its first speaker series, Conversations on Shared Values. Favianna Rodriguez Giannoni is an interdisciplinary artist, cultural strategist, and entrepreneur based in Oakland, California. Her art and praxis address migration, gender, justice, climate change, racial equity, and sexual freedom. Through her poignant speeches, she has inspired audiences around the world including at the United Nations Climate Summit, Sundance Film Festival, Smithsonian, Google and Lush Cosmetics.

F. Rod



Foothill College BIPOC Center Black Indigenous People of Color

campus center

We're Here to Help!

BIPOC Center



Campus Center,
Lower Level, Room 2149

View BIPOC Center Office Hours

